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Can't add "MidiParser" pod to Podfile

I am trying to add this github project to my project as a pod:

In my PodFile, I have tried

pod 'MidiParser'


pod 'MidiParser', :git => ''

but either time I get the error

Unable to find a specification for 'MidiParser'.

I have tried adding other pods like '' just to see if they work, and they do. I notice there are multiple projects on GitHub called MidiParser, so maybe I need to distinguish between them somehow? The installation instructions in the MidiParser README only give instructions for Carthage. It says to add this line to the Cartfile:

github "matsune/MidiParser"

I also have also tried:

pod 'matsune/MidiParser'

I notice I can't find the project when I search for it here: Does that mean I simply can't install the project using Cocoapods, and that I have to do it manually?

Edit: I ended up using Carthage.


  • CocoaPods requires pods to be specified with a podspec to describe its Xcode workspace integration. See