A page on my site uses Noty to display notifications. I'm loading Noty 2.4.1 (jquery-noty) and jQuery 3.5.1 from a CDN (cdnjs) and I show notifications like this:
$.noty({text, timeout, type, layout});
This configuration has been working fine ever since I first set up that code, but now, without any change from me, I get the following:
Uncaught TypeError: $.noty is not a function
Indeed, if I go to the console and type $.noty
, I see an object, but if I type $.noty()
I get:
TypeError: $.noty is not a function
Browsers tested:
This is really strange as I haven't touched that code in a long time. Could they have implemented some breaking change to the version served via CDN? What can be done to make Noty 2.4.1 work again?
On CodeSandbox you can find a reproducible example.
The current version of Noty is 3, and I simply ported my existing configuration from 2 to 3 by calling it like this:
new Noty({text, timeout, type, layout}).show();