I am creating a Web API in MVC. In my ViewModel-Objects I want to create validations for integer inputs, which are later in the process mapped to some enums.
Note: I can not change the type of the view model to an actual enum because of restrictions outside of the scope of my project.
Here's what I have:
public class ContactDataObject {
[Range(1,3)] //fixed range, bad
public int? SalutationCd { get; set; }
And I could also do
[Range(/*min*/(int)Salutation.Mr, /*max*/(int)Salutation.LadiesAndGentlemen)]
This works fine, we have 3 variants of salutations right now. However, since I already know that this is later mapped to an enum, I would like to do something like this See [EnumDataTypeAttribute Class][1].
public class ContactDataObject {
[EnumDataType(typeof(Salutation))] //gives mapping error
public int? SalutationCd { get; set; }
However, with this give a mapping error.
I would like to have an attribute, that validates only whether my interger is within the values of the given enum. How to validate for the (integer) values of the enum?
You can try using custom validation:
public class EnumValueValidationAttribute : ValidationAttribute {
private readonly Type _enumType;
public EnumValueValidationAttribute(Type type) {
_enumType = type;
public override bool IsValid(object value) {
return value != null && Enum.IsDefined(_enumType, value); //null is not considered valid
Then use it like:
public int? SalutationCd { get; set; }