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Named and typesafe correlated subquery

I'm using JOOQ v3.14.3 and trying to do a simple select with a correlated subquery. In abstract ways:

Field<?> subquery =

var mainQuery =, subquery)....;

My issue here is, that the subquery is guaranteed to return OffsetDateTime values, but in the resulting records I can only access those values using the plain String "timestamp" and have to do the manual casting like in

OffsetDateTime timestamp = (OffsetDateTime) record.get("timestamp");

One can create a type-safe Field like this:

Field<OffsetDateTime> subquery = DSL.field(

But this field doesn't seem to have a name so I can not easily retrieve it from the resulting Record. My subquery isn't constant so I have to recreate it everytime and can not simply keep a reference to this Field.

I'd imagine something like this: Define a custom named field, then use it in subquery and in Record access

public static final Field<OffsetDateTime> CUSTOM_TIMESTAMP_FIELD = Whatever.customField("timestamp", OffsetDateTime.class);

// ...

Field<OffsetDateTime> subquery =

// ...

OffsetDateTime timestamp = record.get(CUSTOM_TIMESTAMP_FIELD);

What whould be the best/nicest way to solve this?


  • Passing around the subquery reference

    But this field doesn't seem to have a name so I can not easily retrieve it from the resulting Record.

    Have you tried it? Because you can just use the subquery reference to retrieve the value from the record:

    OffsetDateTime value = record.get(subquery)

    Of course, you'd probably rather be aliasing your subquery like this:

    Field<OffsetDateTime> subquery = DSL.field(

    But then, you'd still use that reference to fetch the desired value.

    Using a global variable for the subquery name

    The approach you were looking for can be achieved like this:

    public static final Field<OffsetDateTime> CUSTOM_TIMESTAMP_FIELD = 
        DSL.field("timestamp"), OffsetDateTime.class);

    You can now rename your subquery to it:

    Field<OffsetDateTime> subquery = DSL.field(

    And then reuse that name in your record access:

    OffsetDateTime value = record.get(CUSTOM_TIMESTAMP_FIELD)