I have a javascript function in a wordpress script, I need it to be compatible with WPML chain translation
ubp_show_error("<p>Inutile de l'ajouter plusieurs fois</p>");
How can I make this chain to be something like this :
ubp_show_error(_e('<p>Inutile de l'ajouter plusieurs fois</p>','mytheme'));
I've tryed :
$error = _('<p>Inutile de l'ajouter plusieurs fois</p>','mytheme');
but in javascript, this doesn't work
You need to localize your script.
function custom_load_scripts() {
wp_enqueue_script('your-script', '/your-script.js');
wp_localize_script('your-script', 'your_js_obj_name', array(
'error' => __("<p>Inutile de l'ajouter plusieurs fois</p>",'mytheme')
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'custom_load_scripts');
Now you have access to that data in your javascript file like:
your_js_obj_name.error // --> '<p>Inutile de l'ajouter plusieurs fois</p>'