I'm trying to write a unit test for a components in my App. It's a very simple component called TroubleShootingPage that is only supposed to show a help page, if someone has trouble somewhere in the rest of my app.
All tests are passing, but in the output in Karma I see a hint: SPEC HAS NO EXPECTATIONS:
The test that supposedly has no expectations is dealing with the function getTroubleShootingPage()
in my TroubleShootingPage Component, which looks like this:
export interface Entry<T> {
sys: Sys;
fields: T;
toPlainObject(): object;
update(): Promise<Entry<T>>;
troubleShootingPage: Entry<any>;
constructor(private contentfulService: ContentfulService) {}
ngOnInit() {
getTroubleShootingPage(locale: string) {
this.contentfulService.getTroubleShootingPage(locale).then(page => {
this.troubleShootingPage = page;
As you can see, the content/text of the troubleshooting page has to be loaded from the contentfulService and there it is loaded from an API (Contentful) depending on the user's language. So I only want to secure that the function gets called and that the returned input from the contentfulService gets correctly assigned to the variable this.troubleShootingPage
The test looks like this:
describe('TroubleshootingPageComponent', () => {
let component: TroubleshootingPageComponent;
let fixture: ComponentFixture<TroubleshootingPageComponent>;
let contentfulServiceStub: Partial<ContentfulService> = {
getTroubleShootingPage: () => {
return new Promise<Entry<any>>(() => {
return troubleShootingPageMock;
let troubleShootingPageMock: Entry<any>;
troubleShootingPageMock = {
fields: {
description: "Please read here for further help:",
mainText: {},
textCancelButton: "Quit",
textConfirmButton: "Continue",
title: "Need Help?"
toPlainObject() {
return null;
update() {
return null;
sys: {
type: "",
id: "string",
createdAt: "string",
updatedAt: "string",
locale: "string",
contentType: {
sys: null
beforeEach(async(() => {
imports: [],
declarations: [TroubleshootingPageComponent],
schemas: [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA],
providers: [{ provide: ContentfulService, useValue: contentfulServiceStub }]
beforeEach(() => {
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TroubleshootingPageComponent);
component = fixture.componentInstance;
it('should get the troubleShootingPage form Contentful', () => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000)
// I also tried:
// it('should get the troubleShootingPage form Contentful', (done) => {
// component.getTroubleShootingPage("en-GB");
// setTimeout(() => {
// expect(component.troubleShootingPage).toEqual(troubleShootingPageMock.fields);
// done();
// }, 1000)
// });
I added a timeout with setTimeout()
because without it component.troubleShootingPage
was always undefined
, because the test went to the ecpect()
statement, before the Promise in the getTroubleShootingPage() function was resolved:
it('should get the troubleShootingPage form Contentful', () => {
-> this fails, because component.troubleShootingPage
is undefined
How could I solve this, any ideas?
Ok thanks for the comments, the hint with making the function return the promise was the necessary part:
in the component I made one function for only returning the promise:
getTroubleShootingPage(locale: string) {
this.getTroubleShootingPageFromService(locale).then(page => {
this.troubleShootingPage = page;
getTroubleShootingPageFromService(locale: string) {
return this.contentfulService.getTroubleShootingPage(locale);
And in my test I have now this, which works fine:
it('should get the troubleShootingPage form Contentful', async () => {
spyOn(contentfulServiceStub, 'getTroubleShootingPage').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve(troubleShootingPageMock))
await component.getTroubleShootingPage("en-US");