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MSAL Angular HTTP interceptor for localhost not attaching token

I'm trying to call a localhost API and to attach the bearer token on the header. It should be done by msal-angular automatically. For now, I have added the localhost API route to the protectedResourceMap but there is no bearer token inside the header. Tried to add jsonplaceholder and to make an HTTP post call to it and it works. The only issue is when I try to make an HTTP call to localhost API.

I'm using:


I have used factory providers for the interceptors in the app.module.ts.

export function MSALInterceptorConfigFactory(): MsalInterceptorConfiguration {
  const protectedResourceMap = new Map<string, Array<string>>();
   protectedResourceMap.set('', [

  protectedResourceMap.set('http://localhost:5000/api/add', [
    'api://custom api consent'

   protectedResourceMap.set('', [
     'api://custom api consent'

  return {
    interactionType: InteractionType.Redirect,

It is also registered in the app.module.ts:

    providers: [
          provide: HTTP_INTERCEPTORS,
          useClass: MsalInterceptor,
          multi: true,
          provide: MSAL_INSTANCE,
          useFactory: MSALInstanceFactory,
          provide: MSAL_GUARD_CONFIG,
          useFactory: MSALGuardConfigFactory,
          provide: MSAL_INTERCEPTOR_CONFIG,
          useFactory: MSALInterceptorConfigFactory,

Any suggestions?


  • If you're having trouble with a similar issue, I found a solution that may help. It turns out that using the protectedResourceMap function more dynamically and providing a relative URL works better. The problem was caused by using the full route, including the domain name and port number, such as "http://localhost:4200/api/add". The solution was simply to add "/api/" to the protectedResourceMap like this:

    protectedResourceMap.set('/api/', [
    'api://custom api consent'