Search code examples

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_ARRAY but was BEGIN_OBJECT at line 1 column 2 path $ - Retrofit 2 Android kotlin

I am new to kotlin android. I want to fetch a list of orders in my recyclerView. Here is my json response:

    "orders": [
            "id": "be67f572-0305-4c8f-a2c5-d07a10cd9860",
            "totalCount": 2,
            "totalPrice": 50.16000,
            "orderNumber": 1007
            "id": "9a661a3e-8428-4930-bb0e-30a59a7b6e1f",
            "totalCount": 5,
            "totalPrice": 337.21000,
            "orderNumber": 1014
            "id": "59fa6488-7740-43f7-8985-833987ce4a6c",
            "totalCount": 5,
            "totalPrice": 337.21000,
            "orderNumber": 1016

I have created my POJO class like this:

data class OrderInQueue(
    var orders: List<Order>
) {
    data class Order(
        var id: String,
        var orderNumber: Int,
        var totalCount: Int,
        var totalPrice: Double

Here is my api web service code:

    fun getOrderList (@Header("Authorization") authHeader:String) : Call<List<OrderInQueue>>

MainActivity Retrofit code:

 private fun loadOrders() {
        //initiate the service
        val destinationService = ServiceBuilder.getRetrofitInstance().create(
        val requestCall = destinationService.getOrderList("Bearer "+sessionManager.GetAccessToken())
        //make network call asynchronously
        requestCall.enqueue(object : Callback<List<OrderInQueue>> {
            override fun onResponse(
                call: Call<List<OrderInQueue>>,
                response: Response<List<OrderInQueue>>
            ) {
                Log.d("Response", "onResponse: ${response.body()}")
                if (response.isSuccessful) {
                    val orderList = response.body()?.toMutableList()
                    //  Log.d("Response", "countrylist size : ${countryList.size}")
                    orderRecyclerView.apply {
                        layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this@MainActivity)
                        adapter = orderList?.let { orderAdapter(it, this@MainActivity) }
                    Log.e(  "response","Successful ${response.message()}")
                    //  Log.d("Response", "things : ${things}")
                    //   markButtonenble(iv_next)
                } else {
                        "wrong ${response.message()}",
                    Log.e(  "response","Something went wrong ${response.message()}")

            override fun onFailure(call: Call<List<OrderInQueue>>, t: Throwable) {
                Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity, "Something went wrong $t", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)
                Log.e(  "Response","Something went wrong $t")


But failed to fetch response with error:

 java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_ARRAY but was BEGIN_OBJECT at line 1 column 2 path $


  • Objects begin with { and arrays begin with [ the actual response begin with an object so you should change your expected response to an object.

    Change this :

        fun getOrderList (@Header("Authorization") authHeader:String) : Call<List<OrderInQueue>>


        fun getOrderList (@Header("Authorization") authHeader:String) : Call<OrderInQueue>