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How to Not Transfer Blank Column to Master Sheet?

This code works perfectly until the 'if' is added. The 'if' should prevent the row that has no data in column 2 from being transferred to the master sheet. How to I make data that has not data prevent from transferring.

    function combineSheets() {
  var sApp = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var s1= sApp.getSheetByName("January");
  var s2= sApp.getSheetByName("February");
  var s3= sApp.getSheetByName("March");
  var s4= sApp.getSheetByName("April");
    var s5= sApp.getSheetByName("May");
  var s6= sApp.getSheetByName("June");
  var s7= sApp.getSheetByName("July");
  var s8= sApp.getSheetByName("August");
    var s9= sApp.getSheetByName("September");
  var s10= sApp.getSheetByName("October");
  var s11= sApp.getSheetByName("November");
  var s12= sApp.getSheetByName("December");
  var s13= sApp.getSheetByName("Master");

  var s1values = s1.getRange(1,2,s1.getLastRow(),27).getValues();
  var s2values = s2.getRange(1,2,s2.getLastRow(),27).getValues();
  var s3values = s3.getRange(1,2,s3.getLastRow(),27).getValues();
    var s4values = s4.getRange(1,2,s4.getLastRow(),27).getValues();
  var s5values = s5.getRange(1,2,s5.getLastRow(),27).getValues();
  var s6values = s6.getRange(1,2,s6.getLastRow(),27).getValues();
    var s7values = s7.getRange(1,2,s7.getLastRow(),27).getValues();
  var s8values = s8.getRange(1,2,s8.getLastRow(),27).getValues();
  var s9values = s9.getRange(1,2,s9.getLastRow(),27).getValues();
    var s10values = s10.getRange(1,2,s10.getLastRow(),27).getValues();
  var s11values = s11.getRange(1,2,s11.getLastRow(),27).getValues();
  var s12values = s12.getRange(1,2,s12.getLastRow(),27).getValues();
  var sourceData  =  s1values.concat(s2values,s3values,s4values,s5values,s6values,s7values,s8values,s9values,s10values,s11values,s12values);

    for (var i in sourceData) {
  if (sourceData[i][1] !== null && sourceData[i][1] !== '') {

  var s13values = [];
  s13values =  s1values.concat(s2values,s3values,s4values,s5values,s6values,s7values,s8values,s9values,s10values,s11values,s12values);


  • Explanation:

    I believe your goal is to transfer the data from each month sheet to the Master sheet except for the rows for which column B is empty.

    • Iterate over the sheets and forEach sheet get the data from the second column until column 27 and until the last row with content of the corresponding sheet.

    • Filter out the rows for which column B is empty. Remember your range starts from column B therefore in terms of JavaScript, the zero element of the values array corresponds to the values of column B:

    • Spread syntax is used to make sure you concatenating the values properly.

    • I also improved your code both in terms of performance but also make it easier to modify it, for example change some range parameters etc.


    function combineSheets() {
      const sApp = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
      const months = ['January','February','March','April','May','June','July',
      const master = sApp.getSheetByName('Master');           
      const sourceData = [];
         let sh = sApp.getSheetByName(m);
         let vals = sh.getRange(1,2,sh.getLastRow(),27).getValues().filter(r=>r[0]!='');