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org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException: 400 Bad Request in RestTemplate

I'm using Rest Template to POST data json, When i test o Postmen, it run success and return 200.

This is my format json:

"senderUser": "",
"data": [
  "actionType": "update-contact",
  "data": {
  "name": "luong van",
  "lastname": "khanh",
  "type": 0,
  "title": "",
  "passport": "",
  "gender": 1,
  "bgInfo": "",
  "dateOfBirth": "",
  "emails": [{"value": ""}],
  "phones": [{"value": "0902032618"}],
  "addresses": [{"street": "10", "city":"Osaka", "state": "Osake", "country":       
    {"code":"JP", "name":"Japan"}}],
  "tag": ""

this is my source:

public static void main(String []args) {

    RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
    MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter jsonHttpMessageConverter = new MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter();
    jsonHttpMessageConverter.getObjectMapper().configure(SerializationFeature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS, false);

    String url = "";

    try {
        System.out.println("hi there");

        JSONArray json = new JSONArray();
        JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();

        obj.put("name", "khanh");
        obj.put("lastname", "luong van");
        obj.put("type", "0");
        obj.put("dateOfBirth", "");
        obj.put("emails", "");
        obj.put("phones", "0902032618");
        obj.put("addresses", "Osaka");

        HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
        headers.add("Accept", MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON.toString());
        headers.add("Content-Type", MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON.toString());

        HttpEntity<String> entity = new HttpEntity<String>(obj.toString(), headers);         
        String result = restTemplate.postForObject(url, entity, String.class);          
    catch(Exception e) {

this is exception when build log:

17:07:58.483 [main] DEBUG org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate - Created POST request for ""
17:07:58.485 [main] DEBUG org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate - Setting request Accept header to [text/plain, application/json, application/json, application/*+json, application/*+json, */*]
17:07:58.486 [main] DEBUG org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate - Writing [{"emails":"","addresses":"Osaka","name":"khanh","phones":"0902032618","dateOfBirth":"","type":"0","lastname":"luong van"}] as "application/json" using [org.springframework.http.converter.StringHttpMessageConverter@3a7442c7]
17:07:58.831 [main] DEBUG org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate - POST request for "" resulted in 400 (Bad Request); invoking error handler
org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException: 400 Bad Request
at org.springframework.web.client.DefaultResponseErrorHandler.handleError(
at org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate.handleResponse(
at org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate.doExecute(
at org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate.execute(
at org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate.postForObject(
at com.javainuse.TestConnect.main(

I have try with a lot way but it still happen same error, How i can fix the problem ? many thank


  • I think the BAD REQUEST is the correct answer in this case. In your test using Postman, you passed the request body:

        "senderUser": "",
        "data": [{
            "actionType": "update-contact",
            "data": {
                "name": "luong van",
                "lastname": "khanh",
                "type": 0,
                "title": "",
                "passport": "",
                "gender": 1,
                "bgInfo": "",
                "dateOfBirth": "",
                "emails": [{
                    "value": ""
                "phones": [{
                    "value": "0902032618"
                "addresses": [{
                    "street": "10",
                    "city": "Osaka",
                    "state": "Osake",
                    "country": {
                        "code": "JP",
                        "name": "Japan"
                "tag": ""

    while your application log says you are sending the request body:

        "emails": "",
        "addresses": "Osaka",
        "name": "khanh",
        "phones": "0902032618",
        "dateOfBirth": "",
        "type": "0",
        "lastname": "luong van"

    Unless the service you are trying to consume is generic enough to accept too distinct request bodies, it will trigger a Bad Request response.

    I recommend you to pass the Postman's request body as a parameter to the HTTPEntity constructor as a test:

    HttpEntity<String> entity = new HttpEntity<String>("{\r\n" + 
                "   \"senderUser\": \"\",\r\n" + 
                "   \"data\": [{\r\n" + 
                "       \"actionType\": \"update-contact\",\r\n" + 
                "       \"data\": {\r\n" + 
                "           \"name\": \"luong van\",\r\n" + 
                "           \"lastname\": \"khanh\",\r\n" + 
                "           \"type\": 0,\r\n" + 
                "           \"title\": \"\",\r\n" + 
                "           \"passport\": \"\",\r\n" + 
                "           \"gender\": 1,\r\n" + 
                "           \"bgInfo\": \"\",\r\n" + 
                "           \"dateOfBirth\": \"\",\r\n" + 
                "           \"emails\": [{\r\n" + 
                "               \"value\": \"\"\r\n" + 
                "           }],\r\n" + 
                "           \"phones\": [{\r\n" + 
                "               \"value\": \"0902032618\"\r\n" + 
                "           }],\r\n" + 
                "           \"addresses\": [{\r\n" + 
                "               \"street\": \"10\",\r\n" + 
                "               \"city\": \"Osaka\",\r\n" + 
                "               \"state\": \"Osake\",\r\n" + 
                "               \"country\": {\r\n" + 
                "                   \"code\": \"JP\",\r\n" + 
                "                   \"name\": \"Japan\"\r\n" + 
                "               }\r\n" + 
                "           }],\r\n" + 
                "           \"tag\": \"\"\r\n" + 
                "       }\r\n" + 
                "   }]\r\n" + 
                "}", headers);