I wrote a Music bot for Discord with Node.js and YTDl-Core. I can Play every Song on YouTube, with one restriction, if I play a song/video of an channel which is little it is adding it to queue, but can't play it and the bot leaves the VoiceChannel, but I don't get an error, if I than try to use the bot it completely works, so long I hold myself on that restriction. here is my code:
const Discord = require('discord.js')
const fs = require('fs')
const ytdl = require('ytdl-core')
const ffmpeg = require('ffmpeg')
const { debug, Console } = require('console')
const config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('config.json', 'utf8'))
const ytapi3 = config.GoogleApiYT3
const search = require('youtube-search')
const { getInfo } = require('ytdl-core')
const queue = new Map()
var client = new Discord.Client()
//setting status
client.on('ready', () => {
console.log("Logged in as", client.user.username, "...")
status: config.status,
activity: {
name: config.activity,
type: 'STREAMING',
url: config.streamingURL
client.on('message', async message => {
if(message.author.bot) return // test if bot has written this message
if(!message.channel.id == config.botcommandsChannelID) return //test if message is in botcommands channel
if(!message.content.startsWith(config.prefix)) return // test if prefix is used
const args = message.content.substring(config.prefix.length).split(" ") // split arguments into args[]-list and cut the prefix out
const voiceChannel = message.member.voice.channel
const serverqueue = queue.get(message.guild.id)
//test if user has permissions to use command
if(config.UseDJRole == "true") {
if(message.member.roles.cache.has(config.DJroleID) || message.member.roles.cache.has(config.ModeratorRoleID) || message.member.user.id == config.owner){
return sendEmbed(message.channel, config.ErrorColor, "Error", config.NoPermissionsToUseThisCommand)
if(!voiceChannel) return sendEmbed(message.channel, config.ErrorColor, "Error", config.InvalidVoiceChannel_404) //testing if user is in voiceChannel
if(message.content.startsWith(config.prefix + config.PlayCommand)){ //Play-case
const permission = voiceChannel.permissionsFor(message.client.user)
if(!permission.has('CONNECT')) sendEmbed(message.channel, config.ErrorColor, "Error", config.NoPermissionsToJoinVC)
if(!permission.has('SPEAK')) sendEmbed(message.channel, config.ErrorColor, "Error", config.NoPermissionsToSpeakInVC)
var song = {
url: null,
title: null
//get link "song"
if(args.length >= 2){
song = await searchOnYT(args[0], message.channel);
return console.log("returned")
} else{
const vidSearchLink = args.join(' ')
song = await searchOnYT(vidSearchLink, message.channel);
} catch(error){
return console.log("returned")
}else {
return sendEmbed(message.channel, config.ErrorColor, "Error", config.NoArgs)
const queueConstruct = {
voiceChannel: voiceChannel,
connection: null,
songs: [],
volume: config.musicDefaultVolume,
playing: true
queue.set(message.guild.id, queueConstruct)
try {
queueConstruct.connection = await voiceChannel.join()
play(message.guild, queueConstruct.songs[0], message)
} catch (error) {
return sendEmbed(message.channel, config.ErrorColor, "Error", config.ErrorDuringConnectingToVoiceChannel)
if(voiceChannel.id != queue.get(message.guild.id).voiceChannel.id){
return sendEmbed(message.channel, config.ErrorColor, "Error", config.InvalidVoiceChannel_400)
} else{
try {
_url = song.url
//add to queue
return sendEmbed(message.channel, config.MusicEmbedColorHEX, "Adding", song.title + config.addedToQueue, _url)
} catch (error) {
return sendEmbed(message.channel, config.ErrorColor, "Error", config.ErrorDuringAddingToQueue)
return undefined
}else if(message.content.startsWith(config.prefix + config.StopCommand) || message.content.startsWith(config.prefix + config.LeaveCommand)){
if(!serverqueue) return sendEmbed(message.channel, config.ErrorColor, "Error", config.NoMusicInQueue) //test if something playing
if(voiceChannel.id != queue.get(message.guild.id).voiceChannel.id) return sendEmbed(message.channel, config.ErrorColor, "Error", config.InvalidVoiceChannel_400) //test if you are in one voice channel with the bot
serverqueue.songs = []
return sendEmbed(message.channel, config.MusicEmbedColorHEX, "Stopping", config.stoped)
}else if(message.content.startsWith(config.prefix + config.PauseCommand)){
if(!serverqueue) return sendEmbed(message.channel, config.ErrorColor, "Error", config.NoMusicInQueue) //test if something playing
if(voiceChannel.id != queue.get(message.guild.id).voiceChannel.id) return sendEmbed(message.channel, config.ErrorColor, "Error", config.InvalidVoiceChannel_400) //test if you are in one voice channel with the bot
if(!serverqueue.playing) return sendEmbed(message.channel, config.ErrorColor, "Error", config.AllredyPaused)
serverqueue.playing = false
return sendEmbed(message.channel, config.MusicEmbedColorHEX, "Pausing", config.Paused)
}else if(message.content.startsWith(config.prefix + config.ResumeCommand)){
if(!serverqueue) return sendEmbed(message.channel, config.ErrorColor, "Error", config.NoMusicInQueue) //test if something playing
if(voiceChannel.id != queue.get(message.guild.id).voiceChannel.id) return sendEmbed(message.channel, config.ErrorColor, "Error", config.InvalidVoiceChannel_400) //test if you are in one voice channel with the bot
if(serverqueue.playing) return sendEmbed(message.channel, config.ErrorColor, "Error", config.AllredyPlaying)
serverqueue.playing = true
return sendEmbed(message.channel, config.MusicEmbedColorHEX, "Resuming", config.Resumed)
}else if(message.content.startsWith(config.prefix + config.SkipCommand)){
if(!serverqueue) return sendEmbed(message.channel, config.ErrorColor, "Error", config.NoMusicInQueue) //test if something playing
if(voiceChannel.id != queue.get(message.guild.id).voiceChannel.id) return sendEmbed(message.channel, config.ErrorColor, "Error", config.InvalidVoiceChannel_400) //test if you are in one voice channel with the bot
return console.log("skipped")
}else if(message.content.startsWith(config.prefix + config.QueueCommand)){
if(!serverqueue) return sendEmbed(message.channel, config.ErrorColor, "Error", config.NoMusicInQueue) //test if something playing
if(voiceChannel.id != queue.get(message.guild.id).voiceChannel.id) return sendEmbed(message.channel, config.ErrorColor, "Error", config.InvalidVoiceChannel_400)//test if you are in one voice channel with the bot
var status = config.Resumed
var status = config.Paused
const embedMessage = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("Queue | volume(" + serverqueue.volume + "/5)" + status)
for (let index = 0; index < serverqueue.songs.length; index++) {
embedMessage.addField(serverqueue.songs[index].title, serverqueue.songs[index].url)
return message.channel.send(embedMessage)
} else{
return sendEmbed(message.channel, config.ErrorColor, "Error", config.NoMusicInQueue)
}else if(message.content.startsWith(config.prefix + config.VolumeCommand) || message.content.startsWith(config.prefix + config.VCommand)){
if(!serverqueue) return sendEmbed(message.channel, config.ErrorColor, "Error", config.NoMusicInQueue) //test if something playing
if(voiceChannel.id != queue.get(message.guild.id).voiceChannel.id) return sendEmbed(message.channel, config.ErrorColor, "Error", config.InvalidVoiceChannel_400)//test if you are in one voice channel with the bot
if(serverqueue.volume == 0){
var v = config.VMute
var v = config.VUnMute
for (let index = 0; index < serverqueue.volume; index++) {
v = v + config.VSymbol
return sendEmbed(message.channel, config.MusicEmbedColorHEX, "Volume (" + serverqueue.volume + "/5)", v) //return volume
if(args[1] == "+" || args[1] == "plus"){
if(serverqueue.volume == 5) return sendEmbed(message.channel, config.ErrorColor, "Error", config.MaxVolume)
serverqueue.volume = serverqueue.volume + 1
if(serverqueue.volume == 0){
var v = config.VMute
var v = config.VUnMute
for (let index = 0; index < serverqueue.volume; index++) {
v = v + config.VSymbol
serverqueue.connection.dispatcher.setVolumeLogarithmic(serverqueue.volume / 5)
return sendEmbed(message.channel, config.MusicEmbedColorHEX, "Volume (" + serverqueue.volume + "/5)", v) //return volume
}else if(args[1] == "-" || args[1] == "minus"){
if(serverqueue.volume == 0) return sendEmbed(message.channel, config.ErrorColor, "Error", config.MinVolume)
serverqueue.volume = serverqueue.volume - 1
if(serverqueue.volume == 0){
var v = config.VMute
var v = config.VUnMute
for (let index = 0; index < serverqueue.volume; index++) {
v = v + config.VSymbol
serverqueue.connection.dispatcher.setVolumeLogarithmic(serverqueue.volume / 5)
return sendEmbed(message.channel, config.MusicEmbedColorHEX, "Volume (" + serverqueue.volume + "/5)", v) //return volume
return sendEmbed(message.channel, config.ErrorColor, "Error", config.VSyntax) //return volume
function sendEmbed(_channel, _Color, _Title, _Description, _URL){
const embedMessage = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
function searchOnYT(searchstring, _channel){
var opts = {
maxResults: 1,
key: config.GoogleApiYT3,
type: 'video'
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
search(searchstring, opts, function(err, results) {
if(err) reject(err);
if(results) {
const r = results[0]
u = r.link
t = r.title.replaceAll(""", '"').replaceAll("&", "&")
var ar = {
url: u,
title: t
else {
sendEmbed(_channel, config.ErrorColor, "Error", config.NoResultsFound+ searchstring);
var e = new Error(["no videofound"])
function play(guild, song, message){
const serverqueue = queue.get(guild.id)
status: config.status,
activity: {
name: config.activity,
type: 'STREAMING',
url: config.streamingURL
return (message.channel, config.MusicEmbedColorHEX, "Stopping", config.PlayedQueueTrough)
status: config.status,
activity: {
name: "Music",
type: 'STREAMING',
url: serverqueue.songs[0].url
const dispatcher = serverqueue.connection.play(ytdl(song.url))
.on('finish', () => {
play(guild, serverqueue.songs[0], message)
.on('error', error => {
dispatcher.setVolumeLogarithmic(serverqueue.volume / 5)
sendEmbed(message.channel, config.MusicEmbedColorHEX, "Playing", config.startPlaying + serverqueue.songs[0].title, serverqueue.songs[0].url)
I don't know why ytdl can't play lots of songs, but I fixed it with an try catch, so that it won't crash my bot, the interesting is that the videos that I want to play aren't private or to long, ytdl simply has a lot of problems with lots of videos for some reason