the following scenario is given:
Welcome screen appears. If user has read the welcome text he has 2 choices:
a) pressing ENTER to continue an getting the next text
b) pressing the E-Key in oder to leave the program
So my problem is:
how can I check if the user pressed the ENTER-Key?
what i tried so far - just as very primitive prototype
...var userInput= Console.ReadLine();
if (userInput == "\r")
I also tried it via Regex but I didn't make it run. Thanks for helping...
Just like this (with Console.ReadKey
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Hello Mr.Sun! Try press enter now:");
var userInput = Console.ReadKey();
if(userInput.Key == ConsoleKey.Enter)
Console.WriteLine("You pressed enter!");
} else
Console.WriteLine("You pressed something else");