Search code examples

Transform object to multiply array

Here is object that i get from api

        status: true,
        code: 200,
        msg: "Successfully",
        response: {
          1609927200: {
            o: "1.2338",
            h: "1.2344",
            l: "1.2333",
            c: "1.23395",
            v: "5436",
            t: 1609927200,
            tm: "2021-01-06 10:00:00",
          1609930800: {
            o: "1.2338",
            h: "1.23495",
            l: "1.2333",
            c: "1.2337",
            v: "5333",
            t: 1609930800,
            tm: "2021-01-06 11:00:00",
          1609934400: {
            o: "1.23375",
            h: "1.23495",
            l: "1.233",
            c: "1.234",
            v: "5636",
            t: 1609934400,
            tm: "2021-01-06 12:00:00",

And I want turn it to object wtith arrays like this

        ohlcv: [
          [1609927200, 1.2338, 1.2344, 1.2333, 1.23395, 5436],
          [1609930800, 1.2338, 1.23495, 1.2333, 1.2337, 5333],
          [1609934400, 1.23375, 1.23495, 1.233, 1.234, 5636],

With a lot of effort, i ended up with this result with folowing code:

*this.symbol hold the object for the example*

    var res = Object.keys(this.symbol).map((item) => {
        return {
          ohlvc: Object.keys(this.symbol[item]).map((key) => {
            return Object.values(this.symbol[item][key]);

    "ohlvc": [ 
    [ "1.2338", "1.2344", "1.2333", "1.23395", "5436", 1609927200, "2021-01-06 10:00:00" ], 
    [ "1.2338", "1.23495", "1.2333", "1.2337", "5333", 1609930800, "2021-01-06 11:00:00" ], 
    [ "1.23375", "1.23495", "1.233", "1.234", "5636", 1609934400, "2021-01-06 12:00:00" ],


  1. the values should be without quotes ( i already try wit JSON.stringify() but i get very crazy results )

2.and the element in the 5th position which is timestamp should be on first place.

Any help is appreciated


  • Here is process method, have the key (with desired order of chars in sequence).
    Use Object.values, map and + operator (convert to int).

    const process = (obj, key = "ohlcv") => ({
      [key]: Object.values(obj.response).map((item) =>
        [new Date(].concat([...key].map((kk) => item[kk]))
    const data = {
      status: true,
      code: 200,
      msg: "Successfully",
      response: {
        1609927200: {
          o: "1.2338",
          h: "1.2344",
          l: "1.2333",
          c: "1.23395",
          v: "5436",
          t: 1609927200,
          tm: "2021-01-06 10:00:00",
        1609930800: {
          o: "1.2338",
          h: "1.23495",
          l: "1.2333",
          c: "1.2337",
          v: "5333",
          t: 1609930800,
          tm: "2021-01-06 11:00:00",
        1609934400: {
          o: "1.23375",
          h: "1.23495",
          l: "1.233",
          c: "1.234",
          v: "5636",
          t: 1609934400,
          tm: "2021-01-06 12:00:00",