I'm using Selenium to do some webscraping.
I always struggle with finding elements when Name or ID isn't an options.
The page is https://www.portfolio123.com/holdings.jsp?portid=1637063
And I'm trying to find the log in button.
the element looks like:
I've tried
FindElementByClass("btn-primary btn-sm", 10000)
FindElementsByLinkText("Log In", 10000)
FindElementByXPath("//div[@class='btn btn-primary btn-sm']//[@href='javascript:void(goToLoginPage())")
But without any success (I suspect I need to use XPath, but I can't seem to get it right
Any help please? (and if you could explain how to figure this out, so I don't have the issues in future that would be really appreciated)
To locate the element Log In you can use either of the following Locator Strategies:
Using FindElementByLinkText:
FindElementByLinkText("Log In")
Using FindElementByCss:
Using FindElementByXPath:
FindElementByXPath("//a[contains(@href, 'goToLoginPage')]")