I have this script, that works for what its supposed to:
const darkModeMediaQuery = window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)');
darkModeMediaQuery.addListener((e) => {
const darkModeOn = e.matches;
console.log(`Dark mode is ${darkModeOn ? '🌒 on' : '☀️ off'}.`);
I (with my none existing JS knowledge) am trying to change the last line:
console.log(`Dark mode is ${darkModeOn ? '🌒 on' : '☀️ off'}.`);
to instead of showing it in the console.log
change the browser tab icon.
My idea (that I am yet to bring to life) is that:
if (dark-mode = on){
$icon = "images/icon_dark.png";
$icon = "images/icon_light.png";
then use the $icon
in <link rel="icon" href="$icon">
I know what I have written above is not how JS works, but it's just to illustrate what I want. I have seen other solutions, but I have found this idea to be the best for my intention.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Yes, you don't need PHP here, but you can do it with JavaScript.
Attach id to the element
<link rel="icon" href="images/icon_light.png" id="favicon-icon">
const darkModeMediaQuery = window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)');
darkModeMediaQuery.addListener((e) => {
const darkModeOn = e.matches;
console.log(`Dark mode is ${darkModeOn ? '🌒 on' : '☀️ off'}.`);
document.getElementById("favicon-icon").href = darkModeOn ? 'images/icon_dark.png' : 'images/icon_light.png'