I have a method and its require
private static someMethod initSomething(StringBuilder someString, int number){
someString = new StringBuilder(); <- ????
this.someString.append(someString); <- ????
initSomething("ddddd", 1234);
I just want to pass a string inside this method. And I don't like to use common String, because it is slower StringBuilder.
You wrote:
private static someMethod initSomething(StringBuilder someString, int number){
someString = new StringBuilder(); <- You just overwrote `someString`
this.someString.append(someString); <- Appending `someString`onto itself?
// You are also missing `return`. And what is `someMethod`?
I modified the comments to the original code with observations and questions. I think what you wanted to do is something like this:
private static StringBuilder initSomething(String someString, int number){
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
// more code here?
return builder;
Alternatively, you can return a String like this:
return bulder.toString();
If instead you need to pass the StringBuilder
object to the method, then you should do something like this:
private static String initSomething(StringBuilder builder, int number){
builder.append(...); <- what is being appended, number? You'll need to pass what is being appended to the method
// more code here?
return builder.toString();
All that said, your question is not clear at all. I am not completely sure what you want to solve. Hopefully this helps.