I have an autocomplete and a grid where my intention is to push records from Autocomplete into the grid and save those records using grid's create action from there by invoking a method set in a custom button. Please look at the attached picture to get a clear idea of what my setup looks like.
My saveTerminalRow
function doesn't work as expected. Please help.
// omitted for brevity
.Events(e => e.Select("onTerminalNameSelect"))
.Columns(columns =>
columns.Bound(c => c.TerminalOutOfStateID).Hidden();
columns.Bound(c => c.TerminalCompanyID).Title("Terminal ID").Width(60);
columns.Bound(c => c.CompanyID).Title("Region").ClientTemplate("#=CompanyName#").Width(40);
columns.Command(cmd =>
.ToolBar(tbr =>
tbr.Custom().Text("Load the table");
.Editable(edt => edt.Mode(GridEditMode.PopUp).TemplateName("TOoSTemplate").CreateAt(GridInsertRowPosition.Top))
.DataSource(dataSrc => dataSrc
.Model(mdl => mdl.Id(column => column.TerminalOutOfStateID))
.Create(update => update.Action("UpsertTerminalOoSRecordAsync", "Configuration"))
//omitted for brevity
My scripts are like follows:
//This will add the data from autocomplete into the grid.
function onTerminalNameSelect(e) {
var dataItem = this.dataItem(e.item);
var terminalData = {
TerminalOutOfStateID: 0,
TerminalCompanyID: dataItem.cmp_id,
CompanyID: dataItem.region_id,
CompanyName: dataItem.region_name
var grid = $("#manageTOSSqlRecordsGrid").data("kendoGrid");
//This is used to hide and show "Save" button to those rows that are not yet saved to Db.
function showSaveCommand(dataItem) {
// show the Save button for the item with TerminalOutOfStateID =0
if (dataItem.TerminalOutOfStateID == 0) {
return true;
else {
return false;
//This is the method to save the inserted row into Db by calling the create action method. But this doesn't work:
function saveTerminalRow(e) {
var terminalData = this.dataItem($(e.currentTarget).closest("tr"));
var grid = $("#manageTOSSqlRecordsGrid").data("kendoGrid");
Also please advise on how to hide the save button next to unsaved rows after the save operation succeeds.
Well, I can answer my own question now.
This is how I ended up solving this problem:
function saveTerminalRow(e) {
var terminalData = this.dataItem($(e.currentTarget).closest("tr"));
var saveButton = $(e.currentTarget).closest("tr td a.k-grid-Save");
type: "POST",
url: "@Url.Action("AddTerminalOoSRecordAsync", "Configuration")",
contentType: "application/json",
data: JSON.stringify(terminalData),
success: function (result) {
var title = "", content = "";
if (result[0].TerminalOutOfStateID != undefined && result[0].TerminalOutOfStateID > 0) {
if (!result[0].IsAlreadyInDb) {
title = "Save Success";
content = "New record has been saved.";
else {
title = "No new row inserted";
content = "This terminal already exists in Db.";
} else {
title = "Save Failed";
content = "Record is not saved.";
closable: false, // hide X
title: title,
content: content,
actions: [{
text: "OK",
action: function (e) {
if (result[0].TerminalOutOfStateID != undefined && result[0].TerminalOutOfStateID > 0) {
return true;
primary: true
error: function (request, error) {
alert("Record Saving failed.");