How do I load an embedded resource for the Android head ? My code, below works for UWP:
Assembly assembly = GetType ().GetTypeInfo ().Assembly;
string[] names = assembly.GetManifestResourceNames ();
Console.WriteLine ("Resource Names");
foreach (var name in names)
Console.WriteLine (" " + name);
using (var stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream (Source))
bmpSrc = SKBitmap.Decode (stream);
And, the XAML is
The file resides in UnoTest.Shared/Assets/
and is marked as "embedded resource".
The debug output shows that one of the "names" is
indicating that my URI should be referring to the Android head.
Ultimately, in this experiment, I am intending to paint the left part of the bitmap in the left of the target area, the right in the right, and fill the middle with an expansion of a vertical stripe from the bitmap's mid section. Then, draw some text over it.
private void OnPaintSurface(object sender, SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs e)
// identify left, right halves and a 10px wide swath of the middle of the source bitmap
SKRect rectSrcLeft = new SKRect(0, 0, bmpSrc.Width / 2, bmpSrc.Height);
SKRect rectSrcRight = new SKRect(bmpSrc.Width / 2, 0, bmpSrc.Width, bmpSrc.Height);
SKRect rectSrcMid = new SKRect(bmpSrc.Width / 2 - 5, 0, bmpSrc.Width / 2 + 5, bmpSrc.Height);
// create a new bitmap containing a 10 pixel wide swatch from middle of bmpSrc
SKBitmap bmpSrcMid = new SKBitmap(10, bmpSrc.Height);
using (SKCanvas tempCanvas = new SKCanvas(bmpSrcMid))
SKRect rectDest = new SKRect(0, 0, rectSrcMid.Width, rectSrcRight.Height);
tempCanvas.DrawBitmap(bmpSrc, rectSrcMid, rectDest);
var canvas = e.Surface.Canvas;
using (SKPaint paint = new SKPaint())
float hDest = canvas.DeviceClipBounds.Height;
float scale = hDest / (float)bmpSrc.Height;
paint.IsAntialias = true;
// determine dest rect for middle section
float rightDest = (float)textBounds.Width / scale; // rightmost point of whole target area
SKRect rectDestMid = new SKRect(rectSrcLeft.Width, 0, rightDest - rectSrcRight.Width, rectSrcRight.Height);
// left part of tab
canvas.DrawBitmap(bmpSrc, rectSrcLeft, rectSrcLeft, paint);
// right part of tab
SKRect rectDest = new SKRect(rectDestMid.Right, 0, rightDest, rectSrcRight.Height);
canvas.DrawBitmap(bmpSrc, rectSrcRight, rectDest, paint);
// mid part of tab
paint.Shader = SKShader.CreateBitmap(bmpSrcMid,
canvas.DrawRect(rectDestMid, paint);
canvas.Restore(); // back to orig scale
using (SKPaint paint = new SKPaint { Color = SKColors.Black })
float leftText = 20; // matches padding in ListPage.xaml
float bottomText = canvas.DeviceClipBounds.Height / 2 + textCoreHeight / 2;
canvas.DrawText(Label, new SKPoint(leftText, bottomText), paint);
The XAML for the control is:
<skia:SKXamlCanvas x:Name="EICanvas" PaintSurface="OnPaintSurface" />
Do I need to write some code to modify the "generic" URI for the Android case ?
Here's what I ended up doing. It is not 100% robust but pretty close. And it's really simple.
if (Source == null)
string sourceWithNameSpace = null;
Assembly assembly = GetType ().GetTypeInfo ().Assembly;
string[] names = assembly.GetManifestResourceNames ();
foreach (var name in names)
if (name.EndsWith (Source))
sourceWithNameSpace = name;
if (sourceWithNameSpace == null)
using (var stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream (sourceWithNameSpace))
bmpSrc = SKBitmap.Decode (stream);
And, in the XML file, leave off the project head from the Source path, e.g.: