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Drag and drop with cypress in shadow dom

There is a problem in cypress with drag and drop in shadow dom.

I'm trying to run a drag event in such way:

cy.get(".shadow-app>div>div:nth-child(1)", {
  includeShadowDom: true
}).trigger("dragstart", { dataTransfer2 });

And through .shadow function. No reaction.

I created an application with two similar lists.

In the first list with real DOM, cypress works properly. In the second list in a shadow DOM, cypress doesn't work. Even a dragstart event doesn't work.

In this file a test with these two attempts. I call a dragover two times because plugin 4teamwork/cypress-drag-drop does the same and it works. Just one dragover doesn't work.

This view after a dragstart in real DOM:

enter image description here

This view after the test (right list in shadow DOM):

enter image description here


  • There is a problem in the plugin caused by two issues:

    1. Not using composed: true flag for drag events
    2. Using .closest('html') returns null inside Shadow DOM.

    Here is a patch which makes it work: