I am working on a small project that needs to be migrated to a more current Spring version.
I am having troubles fixing this query:
SearchResponse response = new SearchRequestBuilder(node.client())
.setFrom(page * PAGE_SIZE)
new FilteredQueryBuilder(
new MatchAllQueryBuilder()
, new TermFilterBuilder("mostRecent", true)
SearchHit[] hits = response.getHits().getHits();
I have already migrated the DTO-Class (TYPE_MYCLASS) to Spring-Data Document annotation
mappingPath = "es/mappings/myclass.json")
indexName = ElasticsearchService.INDEX
, type = ElasticsearchService.TYPE_MYCLASS)
public class MyClass {
public Boolean mostRecent;
// other Fields
Hoping that an expert could help me.
When you use spring-data you usually define repositories to query the data. It also supports naitive queries.
Check this out: https://www.baeldung.com/spring-data-elasticsearch-tutorial