There is a custom hook useDisclosure() provided by chakraUI which returns isOpen, onClose , onOpen.
const { isOpen, onOpen, onClose } = useDisclosure()
The onOpen is passed to the onClick of the button which is triggered to open the modal.
<Modal isOpen={isOpen} onClose={onClose}>
...Modal Code...
<Button onClick={onOpen}>
Now I want to make another modal (lets say reportModal) on same page. For that I wrote the same code where I renamed variables while destructuring useDisclosure().
const {
isOpen: { isOpenReportModal },
onOpen: { onOpenReportModal },
onClose: { onCloseReportModal },
} = useDisclosure()
Further, I used the same flow by passing these renamed variables to and component but id didn't work.
Anyone for its solution? Thanking in advance...
You have to rename the variables like this.
const {
isOpen: isOpenReportModal,
onOpen: onOpenReportModal,
onClose: onCloseReportModal
} = useDisclosure()
Now this should work. What you have tried is like destructuring again. Which is wrong.