I implemented a functionality in angular, Where i'm showing the filtered array details in grid. on clicking a button in grid, i'm calling a function onClick() whre we can update the record. When the record is updated, i need to refresh the filtered array, without reloading the page. Help me achieve this functionality.
filtered : any=[];
Form: FormGroup;
onOptionsSelected() {
if (this.Form.invalid) {
alert('Please choose an option')
this.filtered = this.studentInfo.filter(t=>t.Id == this.selected);
public Response: any = [];
onClick(index: number, id: string, roll_no: string){
const obj = {
id : id,
roll_no : roll_no,
this.Srvc.postmethod('students', obj).subscribe((response:any)=>{
this.Response = response;
if(this.Response.status === 200)
alert('Record updated');
Try below code.
Update the filtered array with the status as Y at desired index so that it will reflect in grid.
onClick(index: number, id: string, roll_no: string){
const obj = {
id : id,
roll_no : roll_no,
this.Srvc.postmethod('students', obj).subscribe((response:any)=>{
this.Response = response;
if(this.Response.status === 200)
alert('Record updated');
this.filtered[index].present = 'Y' // try this line