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Discord Python Bot Multiple Value in embed field

So i have a discord bot (using python) that connect to a sqlite database, and i want to show the data using embed. The data is containing my daily anime schedule.

Here's the code :

    async def schedule(self, ctx, day = None):
        if (day==None):
            conn = sqlite3.connect('./cogs/animelist.db')
            cursor1 = conn.execute("SELECT name, status_eps from Animelist where day = 'monday'")
            cursor2 = conn.execute("SELECT name, status_eps from Animelist where day = 'tuesday'")
            cursor3 = conn.execute("SELECT name, status_eps from Animelist where day = 'wednesday'")
            cursor4 = conn.execute("SELECT name, status_eps from Animelist where day = 'thursday'")
            cursor5 = conn.execute("SELECT name, status_eps from Animelist where day = 'friday'")
            cursor6 = conn.execute("SELECT name, status_eps from Animelist where day = 'saturday'")
            cursor7 = conn.execute("SELECT name, status_eps from Animelist where day = 'sunday'")

            embed = discord.Embed(
                title=f'Anime Schedule:',

            for row in cursor1:
                embed.add_field(name=f'Monday', value=f'{row[0]} (Eps : {row[1]})', inline=False)
            for row in cursor2:
                embed.add_field(name=f'Tuesday', value=f'{row[0]} (Eps : {row[1]})', inline=False)
            for row in cursor3:
                embed.add_field(name=f'Wednesday', value=f'{row[0]} (Eps : {row[1]})', inline=False)
            for row in cursor4:
                embed.add_field(name=f'Thursday', value=f'{row[0]} (Eps : {row[1]})', inline=False)
            for row in cursor5:
                embed.add_field(name=f'Friday', value=f'{row[0]} (Eps : {row[1]})', inline=False)
            for row in cursor6:
                embed.add_field(name=f'Saturday', value=f'{row[0]} (Eps : {row[1]})', inline=False)
            for row in cursor7:
                embed.add_field(name=f'Sunday',value=f'{row[0]} (Eps : {row[1]})',inline=False)
            await ctx.send(embed=embed)

The problem is this Discord Embed

There are 2 'Sunday' which is not what i wanted. What i want is (example for Sunday), the 'Value' will showing 'aot (eps :)'\n'wataten (eps :)' So that the result will showing this :

Sunday :
aot (eps : )
wataten (eps : )

I try to write this

Value=f'{for row in cursor7:

So that for every row in cursor 7, it will automatically creating a new line. But i know it wont working. Can someone help me please?


  • For your example, you can do

    sunday_episodes = "\n".join([f"{row[0]} (Eps : {row[1]})" for row in cursor7])

    See: How would you make a comma-separated string from a list of strings?