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Cannot modify port, windows port setting problem

Why I cannot modify FLASK port

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I used serve or and set port=5566, always not work
if __name__ == "__main__":
    from waitress import serve
    serve(app, host="", port=5566)

I set windows11 fire wall input/output rule, all allow, port:5566 ,but system show me didn't open the port:5566

And at server pc type "" I can upload image by FLASK,server pc can get the image, but will appear "Internal Server Error" lead to I cannot return anything.

Other user type "IP" can connect to website but cannot upload image, type "IP:5000" or "IP:5566", cannot link to website


  • Try running it from the command line.
    (I mean the windows one not one built in to an editor)
    According to this question, it helped.
    To do this, open a command prompt by pressing WINDOWS + R then typecmd.
    Then type python <yourscript>.py
    Also try running the command promt as an admin.