Developing an interface generic I wished to declare a constructor in an interface but it says constructors are forbidden there. I've tried to declare a static factory method then, but it says neither static methods are allowed and suggests using 'new' keyword. But I have hardly any idea of what could 'new' keyword exactly mean when used inside an interface in C#. Have you?
I didn't post any sample code because I didn't want to mix 2 questions - how to specify a constructor/factory in an interface AND what does the 'new' keyword mean in interfaces. I I even was only forced to specify the first part because StackOverflow didn't accept the second question in pure form, saying it doesn't meet quality standards.
But, as you demand, I'll sample what I was trying to acheive:
Interface IMyInterface <T, U, V>
IMyInterface (T, U, U);
// OR
static IMyInterface GetNewIMyInterface (T, U, U);
I just want every derived class to implement such a constructor.
The new
keyword tells the compiler that your definition hides the definition contained in interfaces your interface might be extending.