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How to disable Eclipse PDT auto-format code when pasting

I'm using Eclipse Indigo 3.7.0 with PDT for PHP develpment. When I copy/paste some code, Eclipse automatically format it.

For example, copying this :

if ($distance > 50 && $distance  <= 100)    {$local_score = 8;}
if ($distance > 100 && $distance <= 200)    {$local_score = 6;}

Is pasted in this :

if ($distance > 50 && $distance  <= 100)    {
    $local_score = 8;
if ($distance > 100 && $distance <= 200)    {
    $local_score = 6;

Any idea on how to disable this ? Best Regards.


  • It's really bad...
    Try this.
    Open workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/org.eclipse.php.ui.prefs by your text editor.
    Add "smartPaste=true".

    (note that I'm not aware of side effect)