For some reason, I just cannot get the most basic example of react-use-gesture to work. What I am trying to do is just have a square follow my mouse location when you drag it. I copy-pasted the example from their documentation multiple times ( and still cannot get it to work. I just don't understand it anymore. I created a stackblitz to show you my code. What am I still doing wrong?
Stackblitz with code:
I will also include the most relevant code here:
import React from "react";
import { useSpring, animated } from "react-spring";
import { useDrag } from "react-use-gesture";
const Square = () => {
const [{ x, y }, set] = useSpring(() => ({ x: 0, y: 0 }));
const bind = useDrag(({ down, movement: [mx, my] }) => {
set({ x: down ? mx : 0, y: down ? my : 0 });
return (
style={{ x, y, touchAction: "none" }}
export default Square;
It's a version problem.
Your example uses code for react-spring
version 9+
, but the version of react-spring
you're using in the example is 8.0.27
The example the documentation gives for version 8
is this:
import { useSpring, animated } from 'react-spring'
import { useDrag } from 'react-use-gesture'
function PullRelease() {
const [{ xy }, set] = useSpring(() => ({ xy: [0, 0] }))
// Set the drag hook and define component movement based on gesture data
const bind = useDrag(({ down, movement }) => {
set({ xy: down ? movement : [0, 0] })
// Bind it to a component
return (
transform: xy.interpolate((x, y) => `translate3d(${x}px, ${y}px, 0)`),
So in your case you would only need to change PullRelease
to Square
and add className="Square"
to the animated.div
like you had it in your question.
For both the documentation on the v8
and v9
implementation of this using React UseGesture see this.
If you want to use the v9
version, you currently need to install react-spring@next
according to the documentation (see previous link).