When I want to import a package in python, I can alias it:
import package_with_a_very_long_nameeeeee as pl
After that statement, I can refer to the package by it alias:
julia allows me to do:
using PackageWithAVeryLongName
pl = PackageWithAVeryLongName
But it feels like an ugly hack, possibly with implications I do not understand.
Is there an idiomatic way to alias imported packages in julia?
This is now possible on the upcoming Julia 1.6 using the exact same syntax as Python uses:
julia> import LinearAlgebra as LA
julia> typeof(LA)
help?> LA.svd
svd(A; full::Bool = false, alg::Algorithm = default_svd_alg(A)) -> SVD
On prior versions, you can do what @Bill suggests — but I'd strongly recommend doing so as a const
assignment alongside an import
julia> import SparseArrays
julia> const SA = SparseArrays