Search code examples

no result react-native-searchable-dropdown

I using react-native-searchable-dropdown library , but if user write string with its not in item array I receive white screen. How I can add no result text (or its best option button who create missing option)?


  • Actually this is work , just i need to add some details , its need to be change the same Searchable dropdown file:

     const oldSupport = [
            { key: 'keyboardShouldPersistTaps', val: 'always' }, 
            { key: 'nestedScrollEnabled', val : false },
            { key: 'style', val : { ...this.props.itemsContainerStyle } },
            { key: 'data', val : this.state.listItems },
            { key: 'keyExtractor', val : (item, index) => index.toString() },
            { key: 'renderItem', val : ({ item, index }) => this.renderItems(item, index) },
            { key: 'ListEmptyComponent', val : () =>this.emptyComponent()}
    I added : 
            { key: 'ListEmptyComponent', val : () =>this.emptyComponent()}

    after that i just add

    emptyComponent = () => {
           <Text>Search result not found</Text>
           <Button title='Do Something'/>

    and in function


    you can do whatever you want