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Custom controller factory when using fx:include

I'm using JavaFX version 15.0.1. I want to make more complex scene via injecting several FXML files into it, like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<?import javafx.scene.layout.AnchorPane?>
<?import javafx.scene.layout.VBox?>

<AnchorPane fx:controller="MainFxmlController">
            <fx:include fx:id="topMenu" source="top_menu.fxml" />
            <fx:include fx:id="navigation" source="navigation.fxml" />
            <fx:include fx:id="statusBar" source="status_bar.fxml" />

Here I had found that controller of included FXML is loaded automatically and injected into @FXML annotated field named <value of fx:id>Controller in the main controller (in this case MainFxmlController).

My question is: How can I in this case use my own controller factory to instantiate the corresponding controller class? I need to give controller some dependencies in a constructor.


  • The same controller factory will be used for the included FXMLs as for the enclosing FXML; so your controller factory can test which controller class is passed to the callback method, create the appropriate object, and pass dependencies to it.

    Something like this:

    // application model class:
    DataModel model = new DataModel();
    FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource("main.fxml"));
    loader.setControllerFactory(controllerType -> {
        if (controllerType == MainController.class) {
            return new MainController(model);
        if (controllerType == TopMenuController.class) {
            return new TopMenuController(model);
        if (controllerType == NavigationController.class) {
            return new NavigationController(model);
        if (controllerType == StatusBarController.class) {
            return new StatusBarController(model);
        return null ; // or throw an unchecked exception
    Parent mainRoot = loader.load();

    If you prefer (or need more generality), you can use reflection:

    loader.setControllerFactory(controllerType -> {
        try {
            for (Constructor<?> c : controllerType.getConstructors()) {
                if (c.getParameterCount() == 1 
                    && c.getParameterTypes()[0] == DataModel.class) {
                    return c.newInstance(model);
            // If we got here, there's no constructor taking a model,
            // so try to use the default constructor:
            return controllerType.getConstructor().newInstance();
        } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);