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How to insert dynamically an horizontal line in a graph associated with the last value of a certain range of values

I am trying to automatically insert a horizontal line on a chart that receives 5 series of data from a table. With each new day, I add another row of values to that table. And I wanted to insert in the graph obtained from these 5 series, a horizontal line that was updated (its y coordinate) from the last value of one of these series which represents a consumption of flying water in the last 30 days. I wanted to use VBA within the Excel workbook. Can I ask for help? Thank you.

enter image description here

The graph would be like this: enter image description here


  • If adding an extra column is not viable, try this code:

    Sub SubExtraLine()
        Dim ObjChart As Object
        Dim RngCell As Range
        Dim DblCounter As Double
        Dim VarSeries As Variant
        Dim ObjSeries As Object
        Dim StrSeriesName As String
        Set RngCell = Range("D1").End(xlDown) '‹ Specify here the cell with the value.
        Set ObjChart = Shapes("Chart 1") '‹ Specify here the chart.
        StrSeriesName = "Consumo em 30 dias" '‹ Specify here the name of the line.
        'Checking the maximum number of values for each series of ObjChart.
        For Each VarSeries In ObjChart.Chart.SeriesCollection
            DblCounter = Excel.WorksheetFunction.Max(DblCounter, UBound(VarSeries.Values))
            'If a series named as StrSeriesName already exists, it's deleted.
            If VarSeries.Name = StrSeriesName Then
            End If
        'Setting VarSeries as the formula for the new series.
        Set VarSeries = Nothing
        VarSeries = "="
        For DblCounter = DblCounter To 1 Step -1
            VarSeries = VarSeries & RngCell.Parent.Name & "!" & RngCell.Address & ","
        VarSeries = Left(VarSeries, Len(VarSeries) - 1)
        'Creating the new series.
        Set ObjSeries = ObjChart.Chart.SeriesCollection.NewSeries
        ObjSeries.Name = "=""" & StrSeriesName & """"
        ObjSeries.Values = VarSeries
    End Sub