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How do I serialize (NewtonSoft) a class that includes an interface with a property named Type?

I need to serialize a result of this class (Assembly Adyen, Version=

Public Class PaymentResponse
    Implements IEquatable(Of PaymentResponse), IValidatableObject

    Public Sub New(...)

   <Runtime.Serialization.DataMemberAttribute(Name:="action", EmitDefaultValue:=False)>
    Public Property Action As IPaymentResponseAction


End Class

Looking at the result, I have Action.PaymentData, Action.PaymentMethodType, Action.Token, Action.[Type] and Action.Url as expected: Screenshot of Autos

But when I serialize the result,

Dim tmp As String = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ret, GetType(PaymentResponse), New 
                     Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings() With {.[Error] = AddressOf jsonerror})

I only get:

  "resultCode": "IdentifyShopper",
  "action": {
  "paymentData": "XXX",
  "paymentMethodType": "scheme",
  "token": "YYY"
"authentication": {
"threeds2.fingerprintToken": "ZZZ"
"details": [
  "key": "threeds2.fingerprint",
  "type": "text"
"paymentData": "QQQ"

I'm not getting Action.[Type] and "Action.Url" in my Json string.


is never hit.

EDIT: I added a tracewriter:

Dim tracewriter As Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.ITraceWriter = New 
Dim tmp As String = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ret, 
                      GetType(PaymentResponse), New 
                      Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings() With 
                     {.TraceWriter = tracewriter, .[Error] = AddressOf 

And everything looks fine, except I'm not getting the action.[type] serialized:

2021-01-19T14:25:11.852 Info Started serializing Adyen.Model.Checkout.PaymentResponse. Path ''. 2021-01-19T14:25:11.854 Info Started serializing Adyen.Model.Checkout.PaymentResponse+ResultCodeEnum with converter Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.StringEnumConverter. Path 'resultCode'. 2021-01-19T14:25:11.854 Info Finished serializing Adyen.Model.Checkout.PaymentResponse+ResultCodeEnum with converter Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.StringEnumConverter. Path 'resultCode'. 2021-01-19T14:25:11.856 Info Started serializing Adyen.Model.Checkout.Action.CheckoutThreeDS2FingerPrintAction. Path 'action'. 2021-01-19T14:25:11.857 Info Finished serializing Adyen.Model.Checkout.Action.CheckoutThreeDS2FingerPrintAction. Path 'action'. 2021-01-19T14:25:11.857 Info Started serializing System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2[System.String,System.String]. Path 'authentication'. 2021-01-19T14:25:11.857 Info Finished serializing System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2[System.String,System.String]. Path 'authentication'. 2021-01-19T14:25:11.857 Info Started serializing System.Collections.Generic.List1[Adyen.Model.Checkout.InputDetail]. Path 'details'. 2021-01-19T14:25:11.857 Info Started serializing Adyen.Model.Checkout.InputDetail. Path 'details'. 2021-01-19T14:25:11.857 Info Finished serializing Adyen.Model.Checkout.InputDetail. Path 'details[0]'. 2021-01-19T14:25:11.857 Info Finished serializing System.Collections.Generic.List1[Adyen.Model.Checkout.InputDetail]. Path 'details'. 2021-01-19T14:25:11.860 Info Finished serializing Adyen.Model.Checkout.PaymentResponse. Path ''. 2021-01-19T14:25:11.860 Verbose Serialized JSON: { "resultCode": "IdentifyShopper",
"action": { "paymentData": "XXX", "paymentMethodType": "scheme", "token": "YYY" }, "authentication": { "threeds2.fingerprintToken": "ZZZ" }, "details": [ { "key": "threeds2.fingerprint", "type": "text" } ], "paymentData": "QQQ" }


  • This is a bug in the Adyen .NET library. The implementation classes for IPaymentResponseAction is missing DataMember annotations. There is a fix ready to be merged and will be available in the next patch release soon. I suggest you update to the patch version when released.

    For the URL field, it will be available only for certain actions like redirect, like for ideal payment method. FOr scheme, as in your case, URL is not applicable.