so i have a captcha harvester that i solve captcha manually to obtain the token of the captcha, so what i want to do is to wait till I finish solving the captcha and get the token and send the token and call a function to finish the checkout, what happening here is the functions are being called before i finish solving the captcha for example in code(will not put the real code since it's really long)
SolvingCaptcha = function() {
token = "1234"
final_token = token_list[0]
//puppeteer code.
await SolvingCaptcha();
document.getElementById("g-recaptcha-response").innerHTML = {
long story short I want the token variable to be declared before it continues to the next functions
the function that I want to execute after the captcha solving is completed thank u in advance and sorry for the lack of skills in explanation :p
EDIT: to be clear here it's a very time-sensitive operation so I cant do sleep or wait or anything I just need it to execute exactly after it finished.Thank u
EDIT 2 : the code wait till the captcha harvester to load the captcha, but don't wait until i solve it.
Hello,u can just do while loop that check the variable if its defined or yet and set a timeout if it didnt.
const SolvingCaptcha = function() {
function waitForElement(){
tokenn = TOKEN_LIST[0]
while(typeof tokenn !== "undefined"){
//variable exists, do what you want
setTimeout(waitForElement,1500);//so this refreash every 1.5sec to check if to recheck if the tokenn is defined or yer
const function2 = function(){
//what ever you want to do next
hope this helps out