TLDR; Does my DailyRecordDataManager class have a code smell? Is it a 'God Class'? and how can I improve the structure?
I'm working on my first project with Spring. It's going to fetch covid-19 data from the Madrid (where I live) government website, organise it by locality, and serve it up through an API.
Here is a sample of the JSON data I'm consuming.
"codigo_geometria": "079603",
"municipio_distrito": "Madrid-Retiro",
"tasa_incidencia_acumulada_ultimos_14dias": 23.4668991007149,
"tasa_incidencia_acumulada_total": 1417.23308497532,
"casos_confirmados_totales": 1691,
"casos_confirmados_ultimos_14dias": 28,
"fecha_informe": "2020/07/01 09:00:00"
Each JSON object is a a record of cases and the infection rate on a specific date and for a specific municipal district.
After fetching the data the program: parses it, filters it, trims/rounds some properties, maps it by locality, uses it to create an object for each locality (DistrictData), and writes the locality DistrictData objects to a MonoDB instance.
At the moment I have split each of these steps in the process separate classes, as per the single responsibility principle. As can be seen in the linked screenshot:
screenshot of intellij package structure
My problem is I don't know how to link these multiple classes together.
At the moment I have a Manager class which smells a bit like a God Class to me:
public class DailyRecordDataManager implements DataManager {
private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DailyRecordDataManager.class);
private final DailyRecordDataCollector<String> dataCollector;
private final DataVerifier<String> dataVerifier;
private final JsonParser<DailyRecord> dataParser;
private final DataFilter<List<DailyRecord>> dataFilter;
private final DataTrimmer<List<DailyRecord>> dataTrimmer;
private final DataSorter<List<DailyRecord>> dataSorter;
private final DataMapper<List<DailyRecord>> dataMapper;
private final DataTransformer dataTransformer;
private final DistrictDataService districtDataService;
public DailyRecordDataManager(DailyRecordDataCollector<String> collector,
DataVerifier<String> verifier,
JsonParser<DailyRecord> parser,
DataFilter<List<DailyRecord>> dataFilter,
DataTrimmer<List<DailyRecord>> dataTrimmer,
DataSorter<List<DailyRecord>> dataSorter,
DataMapper dataMapper,
DataTransformer dataConverter,
DistrictDataService districtDataService) {
this.dataCollector = collector;
this.dataVerifier = verifier;
this.dataParser = parser;
this.dataFilter = dataFilter;
this.dataTrimmer = dataTrimmer;
this.dataSorter = dataSorter;
this.dataMapper = dataMapper;
this.dataTransformer = dataConverter;
this.districtDataService = districtDataService;
public boolean newData() {
String data = dataCollector.collectData();
if (!dataVerifier.verifyData(data)) {
logger.debug("Data is not new.");
return false;
List<DailyRecord> parsedData = dataParser.parse(data);
if (parsedData.size() == 0) {
return false;
List<DailyRecord> filteredData = dataFilter.filter(parsedData);
List<DailyRecord> trimmedData = dataTrimmer.trim(filteredData);
List<DailyRecord> sortedData = dataSorter.sort(trimmedData);
Map<String, List<DailyRecord>> mappedData =;
List<DistrictData> convertedData = dataTransformer.transform(mappedData);;
return true;
I also thought about linking all of the involved classes together in a chain of Injected Dependencies -> so each class has the next class in the process as a dependency and, provided nothing goes wrong with the data, calls that next class in the chain when it's time.
I do also however feel that there must be a design pattern that solves the problem I have!
For anyone who finds this and wonders what I ended up opting for the Pipeline pattern.
It allowed me to easily organise all of the individual classes I was using into one clean workflow. It also made each stage of the process very easy to test. As well as the pipeline class itself!
I highly recommend anyone interested in the patter in Java to check out this article, which I used extensively.