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how to pivot table wide to long in q

I'm trying to write a function to pivot my tables from wide to long format. so I have something on this lines:

tblwide:([]k1:`a`a`b`b`c`c;xx:1 2 3 4 5 6;yy:11 12 13 14 15 16);
wide2long:{[lhscolnames;rhscolname;varcolname;valuecolname] ?[tblwide;enlist(~:;(^:;rhscolname));0b;((lhscolnames),varcolname,valuecolname)!(eval lhscolnames;enlist rhscolname;rhscolname)] };
tbllong:raze wide2long[enlist `k1;;`index;`val] each (cols tblwide) except `k1;

and that seems to work.
now when I want to have several columns that will not pivot, adapting the code:

tblwide:([]k1:`a`a`b`b`c`c;k2:`t`u`t`u`t`u;xx:1 2 3 4 5 6;yy:11 12 13 14 15 16)
wide2long:{[lhscolnames;rhscolname;varcolname;valuecolname] ?[tblwide;enlist(~:;(^:;rhscolname));0b;((lhscolnames),varcolname,valuecolname)!(eval lhscolnames;enlist rhscolname;rhscolname)] };
tbllong:raze wide2long[`k1`k2;;`index;`val] each (cols tblwide) except `k1`k2;

then it no longer works. it seems q doesnt like the eval .

expected result is, if no mistake on my side is:

expected:([] k1:`a`a`b`b`c`c`a`a`b`b`c`c; k2:`t`u`t`u`t`u`t`u`t`u`t`u ; index:`xx`xx`xx`xx`xx`xx`yy`yy`yy`yy`yy`yy;val:1 2 3 4 5 6 11 12 13 14 15 16)

order is not important really I can always reorder later...

I'm totally open to other simpler/faster solutions, but would still be happy to understand how to solve this issue with the eval.


  • I don't think you need the eval at all. An approach like this should work for both cases:

    wide2long:{[lhscolnames;rhscolname;varcolname;valuecolname] ?[tblwide;enlist(~:;(^:;rhscolname));0b;(lhscolnames,varcolname,valuecolname)!lhscolnames,enlist[enlist rhscolname],rhscolname]};
    q)raze wide2long[`k1`k2;;`index;`val] each (cols tblwide) except `k1`k2
    k1 k2 index val
    a  t  xx    1  
    a  u  xx    2  
    b  t  xx    3  
    b  u  xx    4  
    c  t  xx    5  
    c  u  xx    6  
    a  t  yy    11 
    a  u  yy    12 
    b  t  yy    13 
    b  u  yy    14 
    c  t  yy    15 
    c  u  yy    16