I have a text log file that look like this:
--Start 10:00:00
--End 10:01:02
--Start 10:02:32
--End 10:02:40
--Start 10:02:00
--End 10:02:05
The last block is the last registered event. Is there a way to match a regex ONLY when in the last block "error" shows up?
I tried something like ((?=Start)(*.)(?=Error)(*.)(?=End))(?:.(?!\\))
but does not work. I am not a regex expert.
I am trying to use it on PRTG to monitoring a service.
Really appreciate your help, thanks.
Reading this page https://www.paessler.com/manuals/prtg/regular_expressions the supported regex engine is PCRE.
You could match the block that contains Error while asserting that at the end, there is no part following that starts with --Start
^\h*--Start .*\R\h*--Error\R\h*--End\b.*$(?!\R\s*--Start\b)
Start of string\h*--Start .*\R
Match the line with start followed by a newline\h*--Error\R
Match the line with Error followed by a newline\h*--End\b.*$
Match the line with End until the end of the string(?!\R\s*--Start\b)
Negative lookahead, match a newline and assert that there is not a first line following that starts with --Start
See a regex demo