I have the following code to load a dependency asynchronously:
declare global {
interface Window {
System: System.Module
const fooService = window.System.import('@internal/foo-service').then(module => module.FooService)
// ^ Jest trips up here
async function func1() {
(await fooService).doBar()
async function func2() {
(await fooService).doBar2()
This works fine thanks to Bergi but Jest is tripping up over window.System.import
and gives me the error Cannot read property 'import' of undefined
. How can I properly mock this?
The window property can be mocked like that:
import { System } from 'systemjs'
Object.defineProperty(window, 'System', { value: System })
For some reason I can't explain, this needs to happen before the import (!) of the component that is being tested.