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How can I map mobile touch events to simulate key press up/down in Javascript?

I have two button-like div elements that I would like to map to the left & right arrow keys on a keyboard.

<div id="leftBtn" ontouchstart="simKeyDown(event, LEFT_KEYCODE);" ontouchend="simKeyUp(event, LEFT_KEYCODE);" onmspointerup="simKeyUp(event, LEFT_KEYCODE);" onmspointerdown="simKeyDown(event, LEFT_KEYCODE);"><img src="../images/left.png"></div>

<div id="rightBtn" ontouchstart="simKeyDown(event, RIGHT_KEYCODE);" ontouchend="simKeyUp(event, RIGHT_KEYCODE);" onmspointerup="simKeyUp(event, RIGHT_KEYCODE);" onmspointerdown="simKeyDown(event, RIGHT_KEYCODE);"><img src="../images/right.png"></div>

Then in my Javascript I have:

//Key codes for simulating key events
var LEFT_KEYCODE = 37; //Left cursor key
var RIGHT_KEYCODE = 39; //Right cursor key
//Simulate a key up event
function simKeyUp(e, keyCode) {
    //Suppress the default action

    //Send the event as a key up event
    queueKeyboardEvent('KeyUp', keyCode);

//Simulate a key down event
function simKeyDown(e, keyCode) {
    //Suppress the default action

    //Send the event as a key down event
    queueKeyboardEvent('KeyDown', keyCode);

function queueKeyboardEvent(eventType, keyCode) {

**something goes here**


I am stuck at the last function where I want to map the touch event to the key press. Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated. I'm also open to other ways of implementing.


  • You can use 2 variables to track if the left/right key are pressed. And based on that you can check those values in your canvas render animation method to handle necessary actions. eg:

    var LEFT_KEY_PRESSED = false;
    var RIGHT_KEY_PRESSED = false;

    And whenever your keyUp or keyDown methods are called you can update the variables to ture/false

    //Key codes for simulating key events
    var LEFT_KEYCODE = 37; //Left cursor key
    var RIGHT_KEYCODE = 39; //Right cursor key
    var LEFT_KEY_PRESSED = false;
    var RIGHT_KEY_PRESSED = false;
    //Simulate a key up event
    function simKeyUp(e, keyCode) {
        //Suppress the default action
        //Send the event as a key up event
        queueKeyboardEvent('KeyUp', keyCode);
    //Simulate a key down event
    function simKeyDown(e, keyCode) {
        //Suppress the default action
        //Send the event as a key down event
        queueKeyboardEvent('KeyDown', keyCode);
    function queueKeyboardEvent(eventType, keyCode) {
      if (eventType === 'KeyUp') {
        if (keyCode == LEFT_KEYCODE) {
          LEFT_KEY_PRESSED = true
        if (keyCode == RIGHT_KEYCODE) {
          RIGHT_KEY_PRESSED = true
      if (eventType === 'KeyDown') {
        if (keyCode == LEFT_KEYCODE) {
          LEFT_KEY_PRESSED = false
        if (keyCode == RIGHT_KEYCODE) {
          RIGHT_KEY_PRESSED = false

    And if you have any requestframe method or animation method there you can check for the values and do the required updates.


    function animate() {
      if (LEFT_KEY_PRESSED ) {
      if (RIGHT_KEY_PRESSED ) {