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Cannot change the format after concatenating dates in Excel VBA

I have dates formatted as text. I want to change these dates' format from " hh:mm" to "". (eg. "04.05.2020 10:33" to "2020.05.04") I use the following code (the original dates are in column "K"):

    Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In Range(Range("K2"), Range("K2").End(xlDown))
    cell.Offset(0, 7).Value = Mid(cell.Value, 7, 4) & "." & Mid(cell.Value, 4, 3) & Left(cell.Value, 2)

The newly created dates cannot be formatted, though and so when I try to use a vlookup function on them, the function fails, saying it couldn't find the value in the lookup table. (dates are ok in the lookup table)

I need to manually enter every cell and hit enter and only after that will excel start recognizing the format. I also found that if I use the manual "replace" function of excel like this:, and replace the dots with dots, excel will once again start to recognize the format, however it won't recognize any format when I use the following code:

Range(Range("R2"), Range("R2").End(xlDown)).Replace What:=".", Replacement:=",", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False, FormulaVersion:=xlReplaceFormula2

Can someone help? How can I convert the format of these concatenated values in vba so that vlookup will recognize them?



  • Try this:

    cell.Offset(0, 7).Value = Format(Mid(cell.Value, 7, 4) & " " & Mid(cell.Value, 4, 3) & " " & Left(cell.Value, 2), "")

    The at the end tells it how you want it formatted. You also need to use a space or a slash (/) between the 3 functions because it doesn't recognize a period as a separator for it.

    For example formatting the month. Take January:

    m = 1

    mm = 01

    mmm = Jan

    mmmm = January


    The only way I could see really doing it then is:

    Dim cell as range
    For Each Cell in Range(Range("K2"), Range("K2").End(xlDown))
        Cell.Value = Format(Replace(Cell.Value,".","/"), "")