Hey am new to javascript but putting my all efforts I have written a javascript that display some quotes with good pagination. But if I needed to upload some more quotes I need to edit the javascript itself. So I hava a api page where the quotes are in json format.
My API Page https://goodman456.000webhostapp.com/api.php Note: I have used the word status insted of quotes.
My html
<div class="allquotes"></div>
<div class="pagable-status">
<label>Page <span class="page-no-curr">1</span> of <span class="page-no-count">1</span></label>
<div class="pagable-actions">
<button class="page-btn-first">≪</button>
<button class="page-btn-prev"><</button>
<input type="number" name="page-curr" min="1" value="1" />
<button class="page-btn-next">></button>
<button class="page-btn-last">≫</button>
<select name="page-size">
<label>(<span class="result-count"></span> items)</label>
My Javascript
const resultEl = document.querySelector('.allquotes');
const pageSize = document.querySelector('select[name="page-size"]');
const pageCurr = document.querySelector('input[name="page-curr"]')
const resultCount = document.querySelector('.result-count')
const pageNoCurr = document.querySelector('.page-no-curr');
const pageNoCount = document.querySelector('.page-no-count')
const btnFirst = document.querySelector('.page-btn-first');
const btnPrev = document.querySelector('.page-btn-prev');
const btnNext = document.querySelector('.page-btn-next');
const btnLast = document.querySelector('.page-btn-last');
let results = [];
const getResultCount = () => results.length;
const getPageSize = () => +pageSize.value;
const getCurrPage = () => +pageCurr.value;
const getPageCount = () => Math.ceil(getResultCount() / getPageSize());
const pageResponse = (records, pageSize, page) =>
(start => records.slice(start, Math.min(records.length, start + pageSize)))
(pageSize * (page - 1));
const main = async() => {
btnFirst.addEventListener('click', navFirst);
btnPrev.addEventListener('click', navPrev);
btnNext.addEventListener('click', navNext);
btnLast.addEventListener('click', navLast);
pageSize.addEventListener('change', changeCount);
results = await retrieveAllQuotes();
const redraw = () => {
resultEl.innerHTML = '';
const paged = pageResponse(results, getPageSize(), getCurrPage());
const contents = document.createElement('div');
contents.innerHTML = paged.map(record => `<div class='latestatus'><p class='copytxt'>${record.quotes}</p><div> <button class="copystatus btn">Copy</button></div></div>`).join('');
const navFirst = (e) => {
pageNoCurr.textContent = 1;
pageCurr.value = 1;
const navPrev = (e) => {
const pages = getPageCount();
const curr = getCurrPage();
const prevPage = curr > 1 ? curr - 1 : curr;
pageCurr.value = prevPage;
pageNoCurr.textContent = prevPage;
const navNext = (e) => {
const pages = getPageCount();
const curr = getCurrPage();
const nextPage = curr < pages ? curr + 1 : curr;
pageCurr.value = nextPage;
pageNoCurr.textContent = nextPage;
const navLast = (e) => {
pageNoCurr.textContent = getPageCount();
pageCurr.value = getPageCount();
const changeCount = () => {
const updatePager = () => {
const count = getPageCount();
const curr = getCurrPage();
pageCurr.value = curr > count ? 1 : curr;
pageNoCurr.textContent = curr > count ? 1 : curr;
pageNoCount.textContent = count;
resultCount.textContent = getResultCount();
const retrieveAllQuotes = async function() {
// write your asynchronous fetching here
quotes: "1The cat is better than dog."
quotes: "2Google is a open source library."
quotes: "3Cats are better than ferrets."
quotes: "4Love books."
quotes: "5Life is short make it possible."
quotes: "6The cat is better than dog"
quotes: "7Google is a open source library."
quotes: "8Cats are better than ferrets."
quotes: "9Love books."
quotes: "10Life is short make it possible."
Did you notice this section
quotes: "1The cat is better than dog."
quotes: "2Google is a open source library."
quotes: "3Cats are better than ferrets."
quotes: "4Love books."
quotes: "5Life is short make it possible."
quotes: "6The cat is better than dog"
quotes: "7Google is a open source library."
quotes: "8Cats are better than ferrets."
quotes: "9Love books."
quotes: "10Life is short make it possible."
I need to update quotes here. It's easy to me to edit the JSON file through php. So please modify the above javascript so that I can use my url.
So if any one can help please!!
The following should work just fine.
const retrieveAllQuotes = async function() {
// here we are making a network call to your api
const response = await fetch('https://goodman456.000webhostapp.com/api.php');
// then converting it to json instead of a readable stream
const data = await response.json();
// finally go over the array and return new object with renamed key
const results = data.map(val => ({quotes: val.status}));
return results;
Read about fetch and promises(async/await).