I have Inventory Model
& Stock Model
as realm object, whereby Inventory
is to save as the product Category Name (eg. COKE / PEPSI ), and Stock
as the product name (eg. Coke Regular, Coke Light, Coke Vanilla)
In my Parent Table, TableView are showing
when selectedRowAt
COKE, tableView will instantiate segue to another TableView called StockTable, which will show
Currently I have a button with 2 option when tapped at ParentTable
I am having issue to filter and query option 1, hence "totalUnit"
is created with auto-update when perform realm.write
to update totalUnit
every single time, which is very risky for wrong information/data entry.
For me I want to query the data based on StockModel's quantity
instead of updating the totalUnit
in realm.write
as it will be very risky for future and to prevent bug.
So I had created two function
showStockList_byTotalUnit() -> Results<StockModel>
Currently UsingshowStockList_byStockQuantity() -> [StockModel]
which both are working accordingly to what I wanted to see as result, However, I am not sure using [StockModel]
is the same as Results<StockModel>
or not as all my other tableView are based on Results<Object>?
instead of Array
from InventoryModel
and achieve ParentTable to show the total unit from its own StockModel's quantity
to Results<StockModel>
any issue that I might encounter?class InventoryModel:Object {
@objc dynamic var name:String = ""
@objc dynamic var info:String = ""
@objc dynamic var category:String = ""
var ofStock = List<StockModel>()
class StockModel:Object {
@objc dynamic var name:String = ""
@objc dynamic var quantity:Int = 0
@objc dynamic var purchasePrice:Double = 0
@objc dynamic var totalCost:Double = 0
@objc dynamic var purchaseDate:Date?
var parentInventory = LinkingObjects(fromType: InventoryModel.self, property: "ofStock")
func showStockList_byTotalUnit() -> Results<StockModel>? {
let showActiveStock = self.ofStock.sorted(byKeyPath: "name", ascending: true).distinct(by: ["name"]).filter("totalUnit > %@",0)
return showActiveStock
**Inventory Model**
func showStockList_byStockQuantity() -> [StockModel] {
let allStocks = self.ofStock.sorted(byKeyPath: "name", ascending: true).distinct(by: ["name"])
var activeStocks:[StockModel] = []
for stock in allStocks.enumerated() {
let stockQuantity:Int = realm!.objects(StockModel.self).filter("name == %@", stock.element.name).sum(ofProperty: "quantity")
if stockQuantity > 0 {
return activeStocks
Let me shorten and repeat the question
The objective is to get the qty of a particular InventoryModel based on the StockModel quantities stored in the ofStock list. (instead of storing it in InventoryModel totalUnit property).
Using the InventoryModel and StockModel in the question, if we create an inventory model for widget
let inv = InventoryModel()
inv.name = "Widget"
and then add two StockModel objects to its ofStock List
let sm0 = StockModel()
sm0.quantity = 1
let sm1 = StockModel()
sm1.quantity = 2
inv.ofStock.append(objectsIn: [s0, s1])
If we then want to get the total inventory available for the Widget object, it's a single line
let sum: Int = realm.objects(StockModel.self).filter("ANY parentInventory.name == 'Widget'").sum(ofProperty: "quantity")
and the output is 3
Note that we are transversing back through the StockModels to get the parent they belong to.
The OP also wanted to have a query to do the following (from the comments)
I want to query for all InventoryModels that have ANY stock models that have a quantity > 0
Here's the query that returns all InventoryModel objects where any StockModels in the ofStock property have a quantity property greater than 0
let results = realm.objects(InventoryModel.self).filter("ANY ofStock.quantity > 0")