Search code examples

How to get only one field from elasticsearch in the output?

     "took": 5,
   "timed_out": false,
   "_shards": {
       "total": 1,
       "successful": 1,
       "skipped": 0,
       "failed": 0
   "hits": {
       "total": {
           "value": 1999,
           "relation": "eq"
       "max_score": 1.0,
       "hits": [
               "_index": "logstash-2021.01.13-000001",
               "_type": "_doc",
               "_id": "lVef-3YBI8ZVMz0vOphU",
               "_score": 1.0,
               "_source": {
                   "host": {
                       "name": "AAD-W1PF14DMMK"
                   "@timestamp": "2021-01-13T12:01:19.794Z",
                   "log": {
                       "file": {
                           "path": "C:\\elk\\test.log"
                       "offset": 158
                   "type": "test",
                   "tags": [
                   "ecs": {
                       "version": "1.6.0"
                   "agent": {
                       "hostname": "AAD-W1PF14DMMK",
                       "type": "filebeat",
                       "name": "AAD-W1PF14DMMK",
                       "id": "4aa46436-264c-40ba-a24a-17af072c8363",
                       "version": "7.10.1",
                       "ephemeral_id": "18c7451e-78a8-4806-b43f-5ebae812b533"
                   "@version": "1",
                   "message": "2015-10-18 18:01:48,963 INFO [main] Executing with tokens:"

I want to get output like

{  "message": "2015-10-18 18:01:48,963 INFO [main] Executing with tokens:" }

I tried using

GET localhost:9200/_search?filter_path=hits.hits._source 
    "_source": {
        "includes": ["message"]
    "query": {
        "multi_match" : {
        "query": "ERROR",
        "fields": [ "message"] 

It worked but giving a warning that it will get deprecated by default. WARNING :

#! Deprecation: this request accesses system indices: [.apm-agent-configuration, .apm-custom-link, .async-search, .kibana_1, .kibana_task_manager_1], but in a future major version, direct access to system indices will be prevented by default

What would be the alternative solution??


  • Your query is correct. The error is related to how you perform the _search request.

    Instead of accessing

    GET localhost:9200/_search...
    { ... }

    use concrete index names -- in your case:

    GET localhost:9200/logstash-2021.01.13-000001/_search...
    { ... }

    Tip: wildcard index names are supported too:

    GET localhost:9200/logstash-2021*/_search...
    { ... }

    and so are multi-index queries:

    GET localhost:9200/logstash-2021*,logstash-2020*/_search...
    { ... }