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Provision a GCP VM instance with no external IP via Terraform

Trying to create a VM in GCP via terraform with External IP as None.

network_interface {
  network = "projects/other-project-name/global/networks/network-name"
  subnetwork = "projects/other-project-name/regions/us-central1/subnetworks/subnet-name"
  access_config {
    nat_ip = "None"

But nat_ip = "None" is invalid value for the field. And if I do nat_ip = "", it auto assigns External IP.
Here's their documentation:


  • To create a VM in GCP via terraform without External IP, you can just omit the access_config section in network_interface block, as documented here. So you'd have just:

    network_interface {
      network = "projects/other-project-name/global/networks/network-name"
      subnetwork = "projects/other-project-name/regions/us-central1/subnetworks/subnet-name"
      #omit the access_config section to ignore external ips
      #access_config {