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Accessing public methods in private inner classes

I have the following code, I wanted to know how to access the public method:locationFinder in the private inner class:LocationBasedFormatter of the outer class:LocationFormatter.

Basically I would like to access the method locationFinder from MyClass and get the List<String>

public class LocationFormatter {

    public static final Formatter Location(String longitute, String latitude) {
        return new LocationBasedFormatter(longitute, latitude)

    public static interface Formatter {}

    private static final class LocationBasedFormatter implements Formatter {
        private String longitute;
        private String latitude;

        public final List < String > locationFinder() {
            String location = "Your Long: " + this.longitute + " Your Lat: " + this.latitude;
            List < String > randomList = new ArrayList < String > ()
            return randomList;


Following is my other main class from where I need to pass the value and access the locationFinder method:

public class MyClass {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        LocationFormatter loc = new LocationFormatter();
        LocationBasedFormatter result = loc.Location("44.54", "94.54");

When I try to find the Objects/Methods on loc or result then I am unable to find my Method locationFinder. I would like to access locationFinder method and get the List based on the values I passed to my private variable.

I am a bit confused and unable to get the method in another class. However, if I write the main method within the same class then I am able to access it.


  • It seems that you need to declare method locationFinder in interface Formatter and use this interface (which is currently just a marker interface) instead of its specific implementation in private class:

    public static interface Formatter {
        List<String> locationFinder();

    Then this method will be accessible publicly:

    public class MyClass {
        public static void main(String args[]) {
            // no need to instantiate LocationFormatter, Location is static method
            Formatter result = LocationFormatter.Location("44.54", "94.54");
            List<String> locationList = result.locationFinder();

    However, more descriptive names should be used for classes and methods in this code.