I wrote the following mix.exs to release my Phoenix application as a tar ball, referring to the “Steps” section of the Mix.Tasks.Release documentation.
defmodule MyApp.MixProject do
use Mix.Project
def project do
apps_path: "apps",
apps: [:shared, :admin, :shop],
version: "0.1.0",
start_permanent: Mix.env() in [:qa, :prod],
deps: deps(),
releases: [
my_app: [
applications: [
admin: :permanent,
shop: :permanent
steps: [:assemble, ©_extra_files/1, :tar]
default_release: :my_app
defp copy_extra_files(release) do
File.cp_r("apps/shared/priv/repo/seeds", release.path <> "/seeds")
defp deps do
When I run MIX_ENV=qa mix release my_app
, it created a seeds
directory under _build/qa/rel/my_app
, but when I extract the generated tar ball, it does not contain the seeds
How can I rewrite the mix.exs
in order to insert this directory into the tar ball?
Elixir version is 1.11.3.
Note: The same question has been posted on the Elixir Forum.
You don't have to copy anything manually since elixir does this for you automatically, if you take a look in your my_app/lib/my_app-0.1.0/priv
, there you have all the files you had in your priv folder.
Now in order to access those resources painless without hardcoding the path you can use priv_dir\1
This is applicable not only for your application, for example if you want your phoenix static resources, you can find them in phoenix priv folder.