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Experiences with Javascript History Frameworks

I'm seeking a javascript history framework to handle navigation inside a page when the user selects multiple options which change the page behaviour.

There are multiple artefacts on the page that change the data loading of the page and I'd like to store this as a stacked set of behaviour. In a wider sense, I'd like to add this as a toolkit to my future web projects for the same reasons.

I'm primarily writing in ASP.NET with JQuery but I'm only really worried about JQuery for now. I do write other projects in PHP, Python and Perl (depending on the gig) so it would have to be platform agnostic.

I've been looking on the net and have found a few but only one (covered on OReilly) looked like it would fit the bill. I have started playing with it but I wanted to know what toolkits other people were using and what others would recommend.

So if you have any experience of history frameworks, handling the back button (etc) in Ajax I'd love to hear about what you've used and how it worked out. It would really help me make a final choice on library.




  • I had the similar problem a while ago building a flash only site. We tried: