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How to prevent graphql error and do mutation by scalar type in the schema?

I have scalar type "ArbitraryObject" it is custom type for object to be able to get any keys. I successfully can get data by this type but can't create or update item I'm getting this error: "Field "parameters" must not have a selection since type "ArbitraryObject" has no subfields.". code: "GRAPHQL_VALIDATION_FAILED". How to avoid this error and be able to do mutations ?

import * as log from "../../logger"
import { getGrpcRequestContext } from "../../clients"
import { struct } from "pb-util"
import { GraphQLScalarType } from "graphql"
import { Kind } from "graphql/language"

export const typeDefs = `
    scalar ArbitraryObject

    enum FieldTransformOperation {
    type ParametersTransform {
        preTagField: String
        substringReplacements: ArbitraryObject
        groupNamesToTagsMap: ArbitraryObject
        replacementGroupsMap: ArbitraryObject
        targetGroup: String

    type FieldTransform {
        sourceKey: String
        operation: FieldTransformOperation
        parameters: ParametersTransform

    type Ingest {
        name: String
        requiredKeys: [String]
        fieldTransforms: [FieldTransform]

    input PolicyByNameInput {
        name: String!

    input ParametersTransformInput {
        preTagField: String
        substringReplacements: ArbitraryObject
        groupNamesToTagsMap: ArbitraryObject
        replacementGroupsMap: ArbitraryObject
        targetGroup: String

    input FieldTransformInput {
        sourceKey: String
        operation: FieldTransformOperation
        parameters: ParametersTransformInput
    input IngestInput {
        name: String
        requiredKeys: [String]
        fieldTransforms: [FieldTransformInput]

    extend type Query {
        defaultIngest(input: PolicyByNameInput): Ingest

    extend type Mutation {
        createIngest(input: IngestInput): Ingest
        updateIngest(input: IngestInput): Ingest

// custom Object type for the possibility to have Object with any keys
const ObjectScalarType = () => new GraphQLScalarType({
    name: 'ArbitraryObject',
    description: 'Arbitrary object',
    parseValue: (value) => {
        try {
            return JSON.stringify(value)
        } catch (e) {
            log.contextLogger(e).error(e, "Failed to parse field transform additional data")
            return null
    serialize: (value) => {
            if (value === 'object' || value.length) {
                return value
            } else {
                try {
                   return  JSON.parse(value)
                } catch (e) {
                    log.contextLogger(e).error(e, "Failed to serialize field transform additional data")
                    return null
    parseLiteral: (ast) => {
        switch (ast.kind) {
            case Kind.STRING: return JSON.parse(ast.value)
            case Kind.OBJECT: throw new Error(`failed to parse arbitrary object for ObjectScalarType`)
            default: return null

async function getDefaultIngest(name, ctx) {
    log.contextLogger(ctx).debug({ name }, "Getting default policy ingest")
    const requestContext = getGrpcRequestContext(ctx)
    try {
        return await ctx.dataSources.policySvc.GetDefaultIngest(
            name, requestContext
    } catch (e) {
        log.contextLogger(ctx).warn(e, "Failed to get default policy ingest")

async function createIngestRequest(ingest, ctx) {
    log.contextLogger(ctx).debug({ ingest }, "Creating custom policy ingest")
    const requestContext = getGrpcRequestContext(ctx)
    try {
        return await ctx.dataSources.policySvc.CreateIngest(
            { ingest }, requestContext
    } catch (e) {
        log.contextLogger(ctx).warn(e, "Failed to create policy ingest")

async function updateIngestRequest(ingest, ctx) {
    log.contextLogger(ctx).debug({ ingest }, "Updating custom policy ingest")
    const requestContext = getGrpcRequestContext(ctx)
    try {
        return await ctx.dataSources.policySvc.UpdateIngest(
            { ingest }, requestContext
    } catch (e) {
        log.contextLogger(ctx).warn(e, "Failed to update policy ingest")

// encode/decode for grcp struct "parameters"
function getFormattedIngest(data, action) {
    const ingest = data
    if(ingest.fieldTransforms && ingest.fieldTransforms.length) {
        ingest.fieldTransforms = => {
            if(field.parameters) {
                const decodedParams = struct[action](field.parameters)
                return {...field, parameters: decodedParams}
            } else {
                return field
    return ingest

export const resolvers = {
    Query: {
        defaultIngest: async (_, { input }, ctx) => {
            const response = await getDefaultIngest(input, ctx)
            return response ? getFormattedIngest(response.ingest, "decode") : null
    Mutation: {
        createIngest: async (_, { input }, ctx) => {
            const formattedInput = getFormattedIngest(input, "encode")
            const response = await createIngestRequest(formattedInput, ctx)
            return response ? response.ingest : null
        updateIngest: async (_, { input }, ctx) => {
            const formattedInput = getFormattedIngest(input, "encode")
            const response = await updateIngestRequest(formattedInput, ctx)
            return response ? response.ingest : null
    ArbitraryObject: () => ObjectScalarType,

Appolo query

gql`query ${scope}Ingest($input: PolicyByNameInput){
                policy: ${scope}Ingest(input: $input) {
                    fieldTransforms {
                        parameters {


  • I haven´t play around that much with ScalarTypes, but try to add it directly to your resolvers map.

       export const resolvers = {
        ArbitraryObject: new GraphQLScalarType({
          name: 'ArbitraryObject',
          description: 'Arbitrary object',
          parseValue: (value) => {
            try {
                return JSON.stringify(value)
            } catch (e) {
                log.contextLogger(e).error(e, "Failed to parse field transform additional data")
                return null
        serialize: (value) => {
                if (value === 'object' || value.length) {
                    return value
                } else {
                    try {
                       return  JSON.parse(value)
                    } catch (e) {
                        log.contextLogger(e).error(e, "Failed to serialize field transform additional data")
                        return null
        parseLiteral: (ast) => {
            switch (ast.kind) {
                case Kind.STRING: return JSON.parse(ast.value)
                case Kind.OBJECT: throw new Error(`failed to parse arbitrary object for ObjectScalarType`)
                default: return null