I am writing a piece of code to pick the current and nextquarter values using Arrays concept in VBA. However i am facing runtime error 13 when running the below code.
Sub PlaceTheQuarter()
Dim arr, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4
arr = Array(1, "Q1", 2, "Q2", 3, "Q3", 4, "Q4")
Q1 = Array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar")
Q2 = Array("Apr", "May", "Jun")
Q3 = Array("Jul", "Aug", "Sep")
Q4 = Array("Oct", "Nov", "Dec")
'MsgBox (Application.Match(Application.RoundUp(Month(Date) / 3, 0)))
MsgBox (arr(Application.Match(Application.RoundUp(Month(Date) / 3, 0), arr, 0)))
Dim idate As Date
idate = "31-DEC-2020"
a = arr(Application.Match(Application.RoundUp(Month(idate) / 3, 0), arr, 0))
'a = arr(Application.Match(Application.RoundUp(Month(Date) / 3, 0), arr, 0))
i = Mid(a, 2, 1)
Dim next_q As Integer
If i = 4 Then
next_q = 1
next_q = i + 1
End If
MsgBox ("Next Quarter is: Q" & next_q)
MsgBox (MonthName(Month(idate), True))
counter = 0
Dim n_quarter
n_quarter = "Q" & next_q
For Each ab In Q4
If MonthName(Month(idate), True) = ab Then
MsgBox ab
Dim pos As Integer
pos = Application.Match(ab, Q4, False)
MsgBox pos
End If
End Sub
Basically in the Foreach loop if i use the quarter name manually as Q4 it loops in fine.But i would like to pass it dynamically based on values like Q&next_q
..I've assigned a string value and passed that variable here which isn't either working in my case.
Any pointers on this is much appreciated...
My intention is to get the corresponding quarter array looped in as the date progresses in a year.
Please, test the next code. It should act as (I understood) you requested in the last comment:
Sub PlaceTheQuarter()
Dim arr, arrQ, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, ab, a As String, i As Long, k As Long
Dim next_q As Long, next_month As Long, arrFin, j As Long, actQ As Long
arr = Array(1, "Q1", 2, "Q2", 3, "Q3", 4, "Q4")
Q1 = Array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar")
Q2 = Array("Apr", "May", "Jun")
Q3 = Array("Jul", "Aug", "Sep")
Q4 = Array("Oct", "Nov", "Dec")
arrQ = Array(Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4)
Dim idate As Date: idate = Date '"02.10.2021"
a = arr(Application.match(Application.RoundUp(Month(idate) / 3, 0), arr, 0))
Select Case a
Case "Q1": next_month = Month(idate): actQ = 0
Case "Q2": next_month = Month(idate) - 3: actQ = 1
Case "Q3": next_month = Month(idate) - 6: actQ = 2
Case "Q4": next_month = Month(idate) - 9: actQ = 3
End Select
ReDim arrFin((3 - next_month) + 2)
i = Mid(a, 2, 1)
If i = 4 Then
next_q = 1
next_q = i + 1
End If
'fill the final array containing the remained month plus the next quarter months:
For j = next_month To 2
arrFin(k) = arrQ(actQ)(j): k = k + 1
Next j
For j = 0 To 2
arrFin(k) = arrQ(next_q - 1)(j): k = k + 1
Next j
'Iterate between the necessary array elements:
For Each ab In arrFin
Debug.Print ab
End Sub