I've applied multi tenant by entity framework core (shared schema , shared database ) and the tenant Id stored in http Context request , it will be resolved after the user login but most of time tenant Id not changed with different logged in users
My Table :
public class Blog
private int _tenantId;
public int BlogId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Url { get; set; }
public List<Post> Posts { get; set; }
My Db Context
PUBLIC dbContext:DbContext
PRIVATE int tenantId;
public dbContext(DbContextOptions<dbContext> options): base(options) {
//securityHelper IS EXTERNAL LIBRARY
this.tenantId = securityHelper.GetClaim<INT>("tenantId");
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.Entity<AccountsTransactions>().HasQueryFilter(p=>p._tenantId == this.tenantId);
You have an error. You defined _tenantId in a Blog class but trying to use it in AccountsTransactions class. Should be like this :
modelBuilder.Entity<Blog>().HasQueryFilter(p=>p._tenantId == this.tenantId);
but I am amazed how you could reach private _tenandId in " p._tenantId"?
If you define property as private you should use this syntax:
modelBuilder.Entity<Blog>().HasQueryFilter(p => EF.Property<int>(p, "_tenantId") == this.tenantId);