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Group XML Content By Root Name

Due to my XML creating steps (Service WSDL File Step by Step Processing) I am getting this syntax of XML:


Host Service does not accept it, responsing <one 'auth' element is missing>, it accepts this:


How can I achive (grouping same roots with different elements after creating XML-not possible to change creating process) this syntax by XML Handling Codes.

some part of real code is like below:



  • Based on the question and the last Xml add, I have supposed that the xml is like :
    NOTE : sch not exit in the posed XML, so i created it like xmlns:sch=""""

            <sch:GetCategoryAttributesRequest xmlns:sch="""">

    To get the desired output by using Linq to XML especially XDocument :

    1 - Build grouped nodes if the xml have more than one :

    var groupedItems = xDocument
                    .Descendants(xn + "GetCategoryAttributesRequest")
                    .GroupBy(x => x.Name)
                    .Select(x =>
                        return x.Skip(1).Any() ? new XElement(x.Key, x.Descendants()) : x.First();

    2 - Replace the olde xml :

    xDocument.Descendants(xn + "GetCategoryAttributesRequest").First().ReplaceNodes(groupedItems);

    The whole code :

    string xml = @"
            <sch:GetCategoryAttributesRequest xmlns:sch="""">
    XDocument xDocument = XDocument.Parse(xml);
    XNamespace xn = "";
    var groupedItems = xDocument
        .Descendants(xn + "GetCategoryAttributesRequest")
        .GroupBy(x => x.Name)
        .Select(x =>
            return x.Skip(1).Any() ? new XElement(x.Key, x.Descendants()) : x.First();
    xDocument.Descendants(xn + "GetCategoryAttributesRequest").First().ReplaceNodes(groupedItems);


    <env:Envelope xmlns:env="">
      <env:Header />
        <sch:GetCategoryAttributesRequest xmlns:sch="

    I hope you find this update helpful.